Part 28

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I gently shook Simon to wake up and motioned for him to come to my side of Georgie's bed. 'She squeezed my hand. She actually squeezed it.' I whispered to him. His eyes immediately widened and he grabbed her other hand. 'Princess? Can you squeeze daddy's hand if you can hear me.' We stood next to each other quietly for a couple of seconds and then she did it again. 'Go get the doctor! Hurry!' Simon yelled at me. I ran out of the room and as soon as I did I accidentally bumped into a nurse. 'My daughter's awake. Can you check on her please?' I begged the nurse. She followed me into Georgie's room and then checked all of the monitors. Georgie slowly started to open her eyes but because of the tube in her mouth she couldn't talk yet. 'Mummy and daddy are here baby girl.' I told her as I stroked her hair and I could see the fear in her eyes. Tears fell from her face and Simon and I tried to calm her and tell her everything would be okay. But we didn't know if it would be. 'I'm going to page the doctor and I'll be right back.' The nurse said before leaving the room. 'Should we call our families or tell Detective Wilde? I don't know what to do.' Simon asked staring at Georgie. 'I think we should just focus on her and wait. We're safe in here.' I told him as I wrapped my arm around his. 'We've got our daughter back.' I whispered.

A few hours had passed with doctors and nurses in and out every twenty minutes. When they finally were able to remove some of the tubes it became too much for Simon and he decided to wait in the hallway while I stayed with Georgie. 'I heard the good news. Is she going to be okay?' Detective Wilde asked Simon. 'God, I hope so.' He replied not taking his eyes off of the hospital floor. 'I've got some news of my own Simon.' Wilde said taking a seat. 'We've caught John. You're family is safe again.' Simon slowly turned his attention to the Detective. 'Are you sure? I can't risk my family again.' Detective Wilde nodded. 'There was a shootout between him and some officers and he was shot dead. You have my word that he is 100% dead.' Simon's eyes filled with tears and he threw his arms around Wilde. 'You saved our family. You saved my baby girl.' He said as he cried into the Detective's shoulder. 'Just doing my job. Why don't we go tell Adele?' Together they walked back into Georgie's room. 'Detective Wilde? Is everything okay?' Adele asked looking up to see who came into the room. 'I just heard the good news and thought I would come and make sure our little fighter is okay. I also wanted you to know that we've caught the man and he's dead.' Adele looked at Simon and the back at Detective Wilde. 'He's gone? He's really gone?' She asked. 'He is. You have my promise that your family is safe.' Wilde told her. Adele jumped up and ran over to the Detective. 'Thank you. Thank you so much.'

When it was finally just Simon and Adele alone with Georgie they sat in silence just sitting there starring at their daughter. 'Daddy? Mummy? I wanna go home.' Georgie whispered. Hearing her voice again after six months was music to their ears. 'We will my baby. We will.' Adele told her trying to hide her tears. 'Daddy why are you crying?' She asked Simon when she was his face turn red from bursting into tears. 'I just missed you so much my angel. So much.' He said leaning down to kiss her forehead. 'Do you want anything? Food? A you? Anything?' Adele asked her. Georgie thought for a minute and then replied, 'can I have McDonald's?' Adele and Simon both let out a laugh and then Adele sent a text to Laura to ask if she could bring some to the hospital. By now everyone knew Georgie was awake.

A week had passed and then Georgie was finally released from the hospital. To make Adele and Simon feel safer Detective Wilde arranged for an entire security caravan to escort them to the private plane and then another one to their house. When the finally arrived home everyone was inside waiting for them. The first person Georgie wanted to see was Angelo. 'Do you think he will remember me?' She asked. 'Of course he will, honey.' Simon answered. The truth was they didn't know if Angelo would or not even though they constantly showed him pictures they were a little scared he wouldn't. You could tell Georgie was a little nervous to see people because she hid behind Adele and Simon and wouldn't talk. 'Baby boy, come see Belle.' Adele called to Angelo as he started to crawl to her. As soon as he saw Georgie he went straight for her which made her fall to her knees and scream in excitement. 'He really does remember me.' She yelled. Adele looked at her two kids reunited playing on the floor and then at Simon. He walked towards Adele and wrapped her in a hug and kissed her forehead. 'We're finally a family again.' He whispered.

I'm thinking this might be the last chapter and I might start a new story. I'm running out of ideas for this one but I kind of like it ending like this. Thoughts?

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