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Kyle's POV

I get to the hospital and tip the driver.

"Good luck, son," he says. I nod and dash out of the cab.

I burst into the hospital and head straight to the reception.

The lady peers at me through her glasses at me, a sagging, wet mess.

"How can I help you?" she asks politely.

"A girl... Depressed... Suicidal... I called the police... She might be... Gone..." I break down in tears.

I can't even talk.

I feel eyes burning into my back, some of sympathy, others just inquisitive.

"What was her name?" asked the receptionist kindly.

"Amy." I realise I didn't know her last name even though we had been talking for so long.

Her facial expression changes.

"She's in a critical condition," she says. "She jumped, and is just barely hanging in. You're a friend, right?"

"Yes," I reply immediately.

"Come with me." She takes my hand like I'm a child and leads me down endless sterile white corridors.

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