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"Emma you really need to look these over." Madison my secretary said as she added a new file to my desk.

"How important are those?" I asked glaring at the folder for even existing.

"Pretty important I need your opinion and signature A.S.A.P." She said heading to the door. "Oh and your mother is dropping by."

I groaned letting my head fall onto my desk. I picked it up and let it fall back down.

"Why, why, why." I mumbled.

I checked my phone.

One miss call from Tate.

Hell freaking yes.

Finally something not business related. I quickly called him back.

"Yellow." He answered.

"Ya that's not gonna catch on you should just quit doing it now." I said.

"Well isn't someone just the downer today." He said.

"Yeah because from the moment I woke up till now I've been slapped in the face with crazy business stuff." I pouted.

"Oh you poor baby."

"Shut up. Why did you call me?"

"Oh yeah that so you know how Courtney and I have been dating for about 2 years."

"Are you finally gonna man up and ask her!"

I could just hear the smile in his voice as he said yes.

I screamed. I literally screamed.

My office door swung open and Maddison looked at me with a worried expression.

"Everything alright Ms. Hansen?"

"My brother is getting married!" I shouted.

She smiled.

"That's lovely about time Tate mans up enough."

I laughed as she left.

"Even Maddison agrees with me."

"Yeah, yeah I heard her." He sighed.

"So do you have the ring picked out?"

"No that is why I called you."

"Tate I am not going to fly clear out to Utah to help you pick out a ring. Plus there is a chance I could run into. You know who."


"Please don't say his name." I said frowning.

"Sorry, but it's hard because your my sister and he is my best friend and I wanted you both to help me pick one out."

"Nope. Nope. Nope. Send me pictures of the one you pick. There is no way no matter how much I love you that I am going to sit on a video chat with him." I said shaking my head.

"Hey I'll be there too." He argued.

"Tate he hates me!"

"No he doesn't."

"He has sent very many drunken, mean voice mails Tate. The truth comes out when your drunk."

"Emma, Cody does not hate you I have already talked to him about it. He is cool with it." Tate said annoyed.

"That is because he can't say no to his best friend." I argued.

"But you can say no to your brother." He defended.

"Yup, that is how it works." I smiled.

Maddison opened the door and did our hand motion for when my mom was here.

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