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I can't promise you
That dark clouds
Will never hover
Over our lives
Or that the future
Will bring us many rainbows
I can't promise you
That tomorrow
Will be perfect
Or that life will be easy.
I can promise you
My everlasting devotion
My loyalty, my respect
My unconditional love for a life
I can promise that
I'll always be here for you
To listen and to hold your hand
I'll always do my best to make you happy
And make you feel loved
I can promise that
I'll see you through any crisis
And pray with you
Dream with you
Build with you
And always cheer you on
And encourage you
I can promise that
I'll willingly be your protector
Your advisor, your counselor,
Your friend, your family
Your everything
I Promise You.

The wedding went amazingly great, everything ran smoothly even though there was a small glimpse of worry when the chair guys didn't show up until an hour before the wedding was suppose to start and if you forgot about Courtney's small meltdown in the 'dressing room' only 10 minutes prier till now. Everything was going great. Except for right now I was going to have to walk down the isle with Cody. I wanted to just forget about it, after all it was only less than five minutes we had to be together but those five minutes meant a lot. They hurt a lot. Because every time we are close my mind likes to wander off to the could haves, the what ifs and I hate that feeling.

"Alright!" Mrs. N.I.A said clapping her hands together to get all of our attention.

"You all remember what way you are suppose to be coming in right?"

"Yes!" Cody growled from beside me, clearly he was annoyed. I think everyone was but she was the mother of the bride.

"Fine then." She said glaring at Cody. She must of detected the announce in his voice. "Get ready."

It sure puts a damper on a happy day, to have to walk down the isle with someone you use to live with your whole heart. Knowing that in a couple months he will be doing all of this for his own wedding and you aren't apart of any of his future anymore. His moved on.

I took a deep breath repeating over and over in my head. "Your doing this for Tate, your doing this for Tate."  I kept my eyes focused on the isle in front of me. On Tate, as Cody looped his arm with mine. I held a bouquet of flowers in the other hand. The music started to play and we started to walk. Glad my feet decided to move on there own and follow Cody.

Tate looked so happy standing up there all dressed up in a tux and tie. I'll admit I don't think I have seen him in a tux since his junior prom. I smiled at the memory and just as I was about to take my spot on the blue tape. Cody leaned in so closely I could feel his breath on my neck which caused me to stiffened. But yet so secretively that no one would notice or hear the words he whispered to me.

Four words that I never excepted to hear from Cody. But there they were clear as day.

"We need to talk."

And just as quickly as he came he was gone. Soon standing across from me. I keep my eyes on him wanting him to give me some sign. Something that explained more but nothing he didn't even give me a second glance and throughout the rest of the ceremony he didn't look at me.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate a marvelous day-" the preacher started but I zoned out scanning the crowd. There was so many people I didn't know, probably Courtney's family. And that made me frown because Tate didn't have anyone, but Navy and Derek. There could possibly be a few other cousins or uncles from Tate's dad's side of the family but 90% of the people here, was here for Courtney.

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