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I heard someone running after me. And as much as I wanted it to be Cody I knew it wasn't. I made it out to the horse barn and I climbed the ladder up to the hay loft. Before Jane caught up with me taking a seat beside me.

"Cody's a jerk I know." Jane said wrapping her arm around my shoulders.

"Your a jerk." I smiled.

"A cute jerk." He smiled back.

"You are never going to get over that are you?"

"Nope." He said kissing me.

"That was so uncalled for." She continued. "Don't worry my mom is giving him a piece of her mind. She probably is probably uninviting them to dinner as we speak."

"No. It shouldn't bother me as much as it does. He has the right to like some other girl. I don't have any control over that."

"No Em, it is okay to feel this way. You two haven't seen each other in 2 years. Now that you have old wounds are opening up. It would have been better if you guys saw each other even just a little bit in those two years. That way the next time you saw him walking around town it would hurt a little less." She paused she was crying too. "Until it just doesn't hurt anymore."

"That's what you did with Jace isn't it?" I asked wiping tears away it didn't help more just fell.

She nodded closing her eyes.

"Oh Jane!" I said hugging her. "We are a mess."

"Freaking hot mess!" She laughed.

"Oh ya totally." I laughed with her.

"Guys are so stupid." She bawled.

"Exactly what me and April say everyday." I laughed.

"How is she doing?" She asked pulling away and wiping tears away.

"Good. I mean she is doing as good as she can for a girl who said no to the guy that purposed to her. Where did Josh go anyway?"

Jane shook her head.

"He moved on. Went up to Montana and married some other chick."

"Oh poor April!" I cried. "I don't think she knows."

"It was recent actually." She sniffled.

"Does he not still love her?"

"Oh you should have seen him. Cody and Josh were a wreck. I mean both of the girls they loved rejected them."

"But we loved them."

"But you guys were too late. They both moved on. But for about a year they were on a rampage. Getting wasted every night, just to sleep in until noon the next day throw in two hours of work and back at the bar they went to start the cycle again."

"I know, April would play some of her drunken voice messages she got from Josh."

Jane nodded and continued on "But then Josh got over her. I'm sure he still loves her because how do you get that close and then just forget. You never do. Anyway Cody on the other hand he hasn't stopped until he started going out with Mollie probably the only good thing about there relationship. Is he has finally sobered up but he hasn't ever really been the same since you left."

"I'm too late again." I mumbled.

"You guys wouldn't work out anyway. You got that business and he has this ranch. I'm pretty sure neither of you would give up one for the other."

"No Jane!" I cried. "I would have. I should have!"

Jane stared at me shocked.

"You really love him that much! You have all the money in the world, your face plastered all over magazines."

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