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"You should get a dog!" April cried.

"A dog." I said looking at her weird.

"Yes a dog, then you wouldn't be so lonely." She said sipping on her coffee.

I shook my head taking a sip of mine. I still didn't really enjoy the taste of coffee. But for some reason I still drank it.

"I mean I would get a dog if I didn't have a roommate." She carried on.

"I'm sure you would April." I laughed as we turned into the HH building.

I was surprised when April still followed me talking nonstop about a dog.

"Don't you have school to get too?" I asked her.

She checked her phone before her eyes went wide.

"Oh yeah I totally forgot." She said hurrying out of the building.

I shook my head at my friend before continuing to the elevator. Where other workers were crowding in.

Each of them saying good morning to me and giving me my own space in the front of the elevator. It was weird. But it is how it has been for years. The sad thing is I didn't even know a single persons name in that elevator as I stepped out.

I walked to my office, glaring at the pile of papers on it.

It is funny how I told myself I was never going to be like this. That I wasn't going to let my mom talk me into taking this company over. That I wouldn't be a lonely girl staying in a clean, cold apartment like my mom. But everything I said I wouldn't be is exactly who I am.

And I hated it.

I hated ever second of it.

I fell back in my office chair pulling out a pen and getting to work on signing papers I didn't even know. There was a few that had a sticky note on them written in Madison's handwriting.

"Don't sign these ones, they will not help the company."

"Whatever, I believe in you Madi." I mumbled putting them in there own pile.

Just then Madison, Navy and my mother all came through the door.

"Oh honey I got some great news!" My mother said.

I placed my pen down.

"What would that be?"

"You know how back so long ago when you first started running this company and Times magazine wanted to do a combination?!"

I nodded.

"I remember."

"But then you turned them down." She said not so happy about that.

"Yes, I remember." I growled.

"Well, they want to try and do it again!" She said happily.


"Why not, Em?" Navy asked.

"It would help the company a ton." Maddison added.

I looked between the three.

"Fine." I mumbled.

"Great I'll let them know." Navy said clapping her hands.

Then they all three left just as fast as they came.

I sighed picking up my pen and going to sign another document when my pen wouldn't write.

I groaned getting my finger wet and trying to get ink to come out but it wouldn't.

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