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"I'm just not sure." Courtney said as she looked out the window.

It was exactly two weeks before the wedding and Courtney was have cold feet already. Not about Tate. About the whole wedding we had pretty much taken two weeks to plan.

"I think it looks big enough." Jane said trying to persuade her.

I mean it was a huge deal.

Courtney didn't think that Tate's backyard is going to be big enough for everyone.

"The Clarke's have a bigger back yard." I added.

"They do don't they!" Courtney said her eyes lighting up. "Oh do you think Chad and Halsey will allow it?"

"Of course they will Tate is like a son to them." Jane waved her off.

All we would have to do is block the road leading to Tate's house the day of the wedding. So people would continue down the dirt road up to the Clarke's house.

"It isn't that big of a deal, is it?" Courtney asked turning to me.

I bite my lip.

"Not at all. We will just block Tate's lane."

She smiled.

"I'll have my mom make the sign." She volunteered.

I nodded heading back inside the house.

"Oh!" Courtney said turning to face me. "And about Tate's mom and sister."

I bite the insides of my cheeks.

"Have you talked to them?"

"I haven't but I will." I told her.

She smiled.

"Great, I think that's everything for today."

"Good I'm exhausted." Jane said falling down onto the couch.

"I'm going to call my mom right now before I forget." I told them. Grabbing my phone from the charger and walking back outside.

It rang three times before she answered.

"Glad you have finally called." She said bitterly.

"I'm sorry, mom but everything has been so busy."

"I know with the wedding and everything. I would know because I've planned three." She mumbled.

"Right." I dragged on. "Anyway Tate and Courtney were talking-"

"Who's Courtney?" She cut me off.

I groaned.

"The girl Tate is marrying."

"Right. Carry on."

I rolled my eyes but did.

"They want you and Navy to come."

She was silent on the other end. It was silent for a long time I even checked to see if she had hung up but she didn't.

"Tate wants me to come." She said quietly.

I bite my lip.

"Yeah, he asked me to ask you." I lied.

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