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"So you have a meeting with the head of Times Magazine at 2:00, tomorrow. There's a pile of papers that need to be signed by you and your mother would like to see you as soon as possible." Maddie said finally tearing her eyes from her tablet.

She never asked me why I was back or what happend in Utah simply just started catching me up on the things I have missed.

"Move that meeting up, I'd like to get it done and over with." I told her before opening the door to my office.

Even though I told Maddie she could change things around while she was in here everything looked the same as if I hadn't left at all.

I fell down into my office chair and sighed looking over all the papers scatter on my desk I picked one up and scanned though it was just a liscenseing thing for the magazine company a yearly check up I had to sign. Right as I had carefully returned it back into the manila folder my office door swung open.

I quickly averted my eyes up to see my mother with a smile on her face.

"Oh thank goodness your back." She cried coming around my desk and wrapping me in a hug.

It was akward though and it wasnt because I was sitting down and she was standing. It was because I rarely hugged my mother.

"Things have been so crazy without you here." She said putting her hand to her forehead as if just being here caused her a headache. She fell down into one of the chairs across from my desk.

She didn't even have to do anything, just walk around and give out orders to everyone. I was nice enough to give her a portion of the company still.

"Your awfully quiet, honey is everything alright?" She asked leaning forward in her seat.

I wanted to tell her everything. How I'm hurting. How I feel like there's nothing that will ever make me smile again because the only guy I ever loved gave his heart to someone who wasn't me. But I knew she wouldn't understand. She never will.

"It's nothing." I replied waving her off as I grabbed another folder and signed it.

"I think I know you well enough that it isn't just nothing." She said chuckling a little.

I narrowed my eyes at her. Annoyed that she thinks everything could just go back to normal.

"Tate found his dad." I said nonchalantly turning my attention back down at the papers on my desk. But I knew that would hit a nerve with her.

"They even got to spend time with each other before he died."

She was silent for a moment.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that."

I shook my head.

"Do you even remember him?"

She pressed her lips into a fine line.

"His name was Ray King."

"But do you remember him. Do you Rembert what he looks like, how he acted-"

"Emma he was a one night stand and you know that." She said.

"I wanna find my dad." I said looking up to see her expression.

It was unreadable. Something in her shifted and her eyes grew dark.

"You won't be able too." She whispered.

"Why?" I asked curious.

"Because his gone."

"Like dead gone or dissappeared gone?" I asked leaning on my desk.

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