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"Isn't it just the prettiest thing you have ever seen!" Courtney cried holding out her hand and admiring the ring.

"I swear she never looks anywhere else." I mumbled to Tate.

Tate just smiled even more. He has had that smile all day. The giddy I am getting married to the women of my dreams smile.

"I'm glad you like it Court." He said kissing her cheek.

"Well now that it is official we have to send out invitations, get it all planned out. Oh I have a cool idea." I said my eyes lighting up.

"And that idea would be?" Tate asked.

"HH magazine it would really help if we had a article about you two. Harley's other child no body knew about getting married to the ranch hands daughter." I said smiling.

"I love it!" Courtney cried.

"Really? Because I'm not so sure." Tate said. "What would mom think?"

"Pft did you forget who the owner was. HH magazine is going down the charts and we need a juicy story to help bring it back up. If you did this I will pay for your wedding." I said knowing that would bring him around.

Country gasped at my offer.

"Everything?" He asked.

I nodded.

"From the ring and dress to the table and chairs."

"Fine. But do we have to go to a photoshoot and stuff?" He grumbled.

"Of course!" I said.

"Oh this will be so much fun Tate." Courtney said giving him a quick kiss.

"You can even be on the front cover of our July magazine. July wedding." I said smiling.

Tate rolled his eyes at me.

"Oh you know you love it. I'll call Maddison and have her send a photographer down."

"Meanwhile what are our colors going to be?" Courtney asked as she flipped through a wedding magazine.

"What ever you want sweetheart." He said kissing her cheek. "I've got to go to a meeting with Cody so why don't you and Emma decide. Since she's buying."

"Alright, I'll let you know what we chose tonight." She said watching as he left.

I took a seat next to her at the bar.

"Alright well it is a summer wedding so you probably want some lighter summer colors." I said.

"I'm thinking some blues." Courtney said.

"Blue and peach?"

"Oh yes like a light baby blue and a light peach. Perfect. Then the guys can have baby blue ties and the brides maids can wear peach dresses."

"That sounds great." I said grabbing a magazine also. They had a ton stacked up and I am really not quite sure how Courtney got a hold of so many so quickly.

"Which reminds me will you be my maid of honor Emma."

"Your maid of honor?" I asked totally taken back.

She nodded.

"It is just you and Tate are so close and I couldn't think of anyone better than you to be my maid of honor. Plus your already helping me plan it out. Oh I'm just so excited. I'm marrying Tate King!" She shouted.

"Yes you are Mrs. Courtney King." I laughed.

"Oh I just love the way it sounds." She said looking back at the wedding book.

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