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"Where have you been?!" Halsey cried as we all piled into the kitchen.

I looked at Cody then to Tate. Neither of them acted like they were going to speak so I did.

"Tate got upset and went to Rexburg." I started. "He never told anyone and Cody and I got worried so we went up there but by the time we got there we figured it was too late to try driving home so we just spent the night there."

"Why didn't you call anyone?" Chad said sternly stepping out into view.

I instantly stiffened seeing him only a few feet from me. My hatred for him was stronger than my hatred for anything else.

"My phone die on my way up." Tate explained "Too many people calling me."

Chad then looked to me, then to his son.

"I suppose all your phones died." He said narrowing his eyes on Cody.

"I didn't think it was important." Cody aid quietly.

"You didn't think it was important!" Chad cried. "That was a childish thing to do. Cody you are the owner of this ranch. You and Tate. You can just run off when ever you feel like it is deemed necessary."

"I'm not a kid anymore dad." Cody said through gritted teeth. "I can make my own decisions."

It didn't surprise me to see that the relationship between Cody and his father hadn't changed.

"Chad stop it." Halsey said glaring at her husband.

Chads state wavered for a moment before it fell.

"It wasn't Cody's fault, Chad. It was mine I made the reckless decision to up and leave and Cody was the responsible one coming out to find me." Tate said stepping forward.

Chad opened his mouth to say more but from the look his wife was giving him he quickly shut it. Instead giving a small nod and leaving the room.

Halsey turned to us and wrapped us each into a hug.

"Oh you had me worried sick." She cried.

"It wasn't even that long, mom." Cody whined.

"Courtney is worried, I think she went up to your house." Halsey told Tate.

Tate frowned and inmediantly left the room. Leaving us three and to say it was awkward, was an understatement.

"Have you eaten?" Halsey asked clearing the tension between the room as she turned her back to us and started pulling out pots and pans.

"I'm good ma, thanks though." Cody said walking over to kiss her cheek. "I think I'm going to go find Mollie."

Halsey nodded and o watched as he left. Not once did his gaze land on me.

"So." Halsey started making me Tate my eyes away from the closed door.

"You two survived in a truck for five hours."

I rolled my eyes at the huge grin that found its way onto Halsey's lips.

"We didn't talk really, and I was a sleep for most of it." I argued taking a seat on the stool I normally took.

"But you still didn't kill each other. That's an improvement."

"It doesn't mean anything thing." I shook my head looking down at the counter.

"Maybe not at the moment, but it will."

I was confused what she meant by that but I didn't have time to ask as Rowdy and Dusty came trotting in covered in mud. I laughed at the stunned look on Halsey's face.

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