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"Septembers big theme-"

I zoned out of what this lady was saying because she was flat out boring. Nothing about her was interesting. Even her voice was boring I was surprised I didn't fall asleep. It has only been three days since I left Tate's house and I hate to admit it but I miss it. I really do miss it a ton. Because I hate it here. I hate the fancy suits and the fancy business meetings. Heck I hate the fancy coffees they give us.

"Emma." I snapped my head towards the direction of the voice that was calling my name.

Sadly it was the head of Times Magazine.

"Hm." I said siting up a little straighter.

"Are you okay with that theme?"

"Oh, ya totally I think it's great." I said flipping open to a page and acting like I wrote it down.

"Okay we will do the same monthly things we each do. Like HH's quizzes and our monthly facts. That will take up how many pages?" Bobby the head of Times said.

"Probably only two or three. Depends on what quiz my team is doing this month." I said looking up at everyone in the board room.

"Make sure the quiz has to do with the theme, and we will make sure our facts do the same."

I nodded actually writing that down.

"Good now, we need a juicy front cover."

"Why don't we do a contest?" One of the other ladies sitting a few seats down from me said.

"What kind of contest?" I asked.

"Well between Times and HH we have a ton of journalists some haven't ever had there article on the front cover so why don't you do a contest best article is from cover."

"That's actually a great idea, then we won't have to argue which company get to do the front." I said.

"Very well, Mr. Lelroy will you go announce that right now." Bobby said.

I automatically turned to Maddie.

"Maddie will you go do that too, so people have head start on it."

She nodded quickly following Lelroy out. When I turned back to face Bobby he had a look of disgust on his face.


"You call you assistant Maddie." He said. He made Maddie sound like it was foreign to him.

"That's her name." I said simply.

"It's not very professional, no wonder this company is going down the drain." Bobby scoffed.

I glared at him.

"Alright I think that's enough for this meeting." I said standing up and gathering my things.

"I have important things to go do." I replied heading out the door. It was probably really rude of me to not even show them out but I'm sure they can find there way out. It isn't hard.

I got into the elevator to head up to my office and as usual there was a group of people who was in it as well and they all gave me space like I was royalty. The doors closed in front of me and then the words Troy too me came to mind.

Only you can change it.

I turned around and face everyone in the elevator which probably shocked them because I've never given any of them a second glance.

"I feel like a horrible boss that I don't even know any of your names." I replied honestly. "Can you all please go through and tell me your name and something about you. I promise I will try and remember."

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