Chapter 3

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Wade's POV~

I felt myself slip out of dreamland and into reality. My right arm felt numb which scared me for a couple of seconds. That is, until I heard the soft breathing of a certain spider on top of me. I shifted, pulling my asleep are from underneath the little spoon. I padded across the floor, making sure not to wake up Sleeping Beauty™. Shaking my arm for it to wake up, I started bouncing it off of door frames and walls to slowly feel the sensation of needles. I sighed and made myself some coffee.

I wouldn't say I'm one of those people that desperately needs coffee, but I'm not the most energetic without it. Waiting for the pot to fill with liquid gold, I opened the fridge and saw a Monster Energy™ drink. I glanced over at my coffee, then back at the drink multiple times until the coffee was done. I'd made up my mind and grabbed the energy drink, closing the refrigerator door as quietly as possible. I then mixed the drinks together and blew on the steaming hot drink. I stood in front of my window. The roads were bustling with people and cars, many of which going to work. The sun was just starting to peak in the sky, making an array of colors dance in the wind. As I took in the environment, I couldn't help but notice how silent the boxes were. In the morning, I'm usually greeted with a 'rinse and shine, fucker!' And why that didn't happened today, I'd never know. I heard another set of feet shuffle across the floor and I smiled, knowing who it was. As I looked at the reflection splayed on the window, I felt two arms wrap around me and a head nuzzle into my left shoulder blade.

"Good Morning my lovely." Peter croaked.

"Good Morning baby boy," I said turning around to face my half asleep spider. He smiled at me, his eyes still shaped like half moons. He sighed and flopped himself on the couch.

'But this lighting makes his body look like that of a god,' White box chimed.

'tru tru. When do we smash though?' Yellow box asked.

"Ugh they're awake..." I said rubbing my eyes and sitting next to Peter.

"Who exactly is awake?" He asked.

'Oh shit dog, you didn't tell him about us! He's gonna run once he figures out you crazyyy.' Yellow box said dragging out the 'Y'.

" I have these voices in my head...I assure you I am not's kinda like..." I trailed off.

"Oooooh it is like when people have the mini devil and mini angel in their shoulders?" Peter asked wide eyed.

"Y-yeah I guess. Exactly like that!" I piped.

'Oh who's Satan?' Yellow box asked.

'Obviously you! I'm the more logical one here, you fill his brain with nonsense.' White box retorted.

"That's so cool! What do they think of me?" Peter asked. His facial expression seemed like he wanted to just keep learning about me, nothing to what I've experienced before.

"Uh...Yellow box, the devil I guess you could compare him to, think you'll run away once you realize how crazy I am." I said leaning an elbow on the couch. I rubbed my chin with the side of my left pointer finger and continued, "White box, the angel I guess, thinks you're hot and he's not wrong."

"Mmm interesting," Peter hummed as he tucked his body into mine.

I smiled and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"You're drinking coffee, right?" I heard Peter ask.

"Yeah I guess, why-" I stopped when I opened my eyes and saw Peter grab my mug and swallow down some. He scrunched his nose and mouth as if he had tasted something sour. He set the mug down and his body shook once, littering itself with goosebumps. The sexiest noise escaped Peter's mouth and my face lit up with arousal.

From the Moment...//A SpideyPool FanficWhere stories live. Discover now