Chapter 8

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Wade's POV~

The morning after I proposed to Peter, he told his father's. Tony seemed very chill and happy for Peter, while Steve had seemed to have already of planned it. The rest of the trip went along smoothly and I did keep my promise to Peter.

'Dude, the readers don't want to hear that,' White box said.

'Yes they do,' Yellow box stated.

Peter was now sitting with me on my bed. He was reading some book, one with no cover for me to see what it was. So, to keep me occupied, he gave me his phone to mess around on. I was messing around on Tumblr, when suddenly Peter huffs loudly. He jumps up from the bed and started pacing back and forth. I raised an eyebrow and painted a confused expression on my face. He held the book with one hand placing the other on his forehead.

"No, no, no, no," He repeated.

"Babe wha-"

Peter threw the book at the wall. It's grey spine hit the wall and it plopped with a loud thud on the wooden floors. Peter pushed his glasses up and sank back down into the bed with me. His head, now lodged into my left thigh.

"Why do they have to be so stupid..." He muttered quietly.

A smiled quickly spread to my face and I threw my head back. I jumped up and let Peter's head flop against the mattress. I tossed the phone onto the nightstand and jumped on top of him.

"I'm going to marry a complete nerd," I spoke, kissing his neck lightly.

"You're just now realizing that?" He asked smiling.

"Oh my god, I love you so much." I stated, planting a passionate kiss on Peter's lips.

Peter sat up, causing me to sit on the lower part of his legs. His arms wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer to him. My hands slipped inside his white shirt, running themselves up his bare back. I clawed at his shoulder blades which only made him arch his back.

"Hey boys---oh shit!" Steve said bursting into the room.

All Peter did was smile and break away from me, "You usually knock?"

"Hm....I-I suppose I do.......Well, I was going to say dinner was ready but if you love birds have other plans," He said as his closed the door.

"What is our plan?" I asked in a low raspy voice.

"Well, my plan is to stay right here," Peter stated before pushing my shoulders, my head landed on the pillow behind me. He smiled and crawled on top of me, wanting to be the dominant this time.

"Mmm," He said into my neck. "We should get a place of our own."

"But I like it here, with you." I growled, remembering what Tony had told me.

"I said a place of our own." He cooed, kissing my jaw and snaking his hand down my body.

I decided to not speak and just enjoy the moment. Partially in fear I might say something to give away Tony's plan.


Peter was in my bed, naked, sound asleep. I dressed myself in some pj pants, a shirt, and some slippers and began my search for Tony. It was pretty late but I figured checking the lab wouldn't hurt. I extended my hand out to touch the down button, when the elevator rang. The doors opened and out stepped the greasy, tiny man.

"Hey I was just looking for you," I said.

"And I was actually looking for you," Tony stated.

"Oh..well Peter wants us to get a place of our own so whatever business thing you got going on, you better explain it to him or else he's gonna start house hunting." I said placing my hands on my hips.

From the Moment...//A SpideyPool FanficWhere stories live. Discover now