Chapter 2

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Wade's POV~

I couldn't stop myself from seeing Spidey, or Peter. Something about him just made the dead butterflies in my stomach spring back to life.

'Okay but lowkey gross,' White box said.

I shook off his comment and proceeded to prance around my dump of an apartment. I noticed Peter's room was very neat and organized. Compared to mine, his was like a palace. I decided to clean up a little bit since a dirty apartment could be a turn off for a neat-freak. I threw all the old additions of the worn magazines I had into a pile and tried my best to get some questionable stains out of my couch. I cleared all the crap off so now you could see the floor and the coffee table, which also had some questionable stains. After majority of the apartment smelled of must and cleaning product, I sprayed it all down with some old colognes. I was in the middle of sweeping the doorway when my phone rang.

"Great...gotta bounce, freshly cleaned apartment!" I said dropping the broom and rushing out of the door.


I was drenched in the blood of my enemies when I opened the door of my apartment. After closing the door I took one step and felt my feet get caught on something. I ended up falling but catching myself with my hands. I grumbled and looked to see what had tripped me.l

"You've got to be kidding me? Out of every thing I've fought in this world, I'm falling over a broom?!" I boomed.

The night hadn't gone very well. I was asked to kill a gang of five. I shot two of them but the other three decided it'd be fun to run off in separate directions. I ended up tracking all three down in one night, out of spite and pure rage.

I dusted myself off and trudged over to my shower. The spandex clung to my skin like a second layer and peeling it off is always a challenge. I turned the water on and scooped up my suit to put it in the wash machine. Pressing the buttons on the contraption, I left it to hum away as I stepped in to feel hot water hit my face. I ran my fingers through my blond hair as I turned my back to face the shower head. I took a deep breath and calmed myself down from tonight's activities. Then I remembered tomorrow I had a date with a special little spider. That instantly made me smile like a kid in a candy store. I found myself falling more and more for Peter. I was in too deep and I was fully aware of it but I didn't care.

'Sorry to stop your daydreaming buddy but you've been staring at the same shower tile for 10 minutes now. We didn't take a shower just to fantasize about your boyfriend.' Yellow box snapped.

'He's technically our boyfriend when you think about it.' White box stated.

"He's not even my boyfriend yet, I still need to woo him over!" I said reaching for the shampoo.

'He's you're boyfriend.' Yellow box said.

'Our boyfriend,' White box corrected.

"Our boyfriend..." I whispered. I smiled at the thought of Peter eventually being my lover, my boyfriend, my partner in crime! Well my partner in fighting crime. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Peter was perfect. The way his hair fell around his face and onto his forehead. The way his dark eyes made me melt inside. The way he was so gentle yet sarcastic and sassy at the same time.

'oH MY GOD Snap out of it dude!' Yellow box complained.


I was anxious and impatient the entire day. I noticed that while on-the-job, I had a slight spring in my step. Killing has always been fun, but it wasn't that that made me so happy. It was the brown-haired puppy I had waiting for me in the Stark Tower.

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