Chapter 5

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Wade's POV~

I had figured out that Steve was eager to meet who Peter had been dating. Which was why every time we got close to the Stark Tower, Peter would be so on edge. I knew what I was, he knew what I was, I'm sure his dad's did too. However, if he ever did decide to tell them and they didn't support him I'd a hundred percent be here for my baby boy.

A couple of months had rolled by and Peter was starting to spend more time at my place then at the Stark Tower, which I didn't complain about. He was like a personal Roobma™ for my apartment.

'Did you really just compare the best thing that's ever happened to you to a fucking robot vaccum??' Yellow box snapped.

'I thought you out of all people would enjoy that,' White box said.

'What is that suppose to mean? That I have no feelings or something?' Yellow box snapped.

"Both of you shut up!" I said shaking my head around a bit. It's not like it helped any but it made me feel like it did.

"Boxes giving you trouble, baby?" Peter said waltzing into the room with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth.

"Yeah but I got it under control," I spoke giving him a want smile. He whipped the brush out of his mouth and smiled back before turning back to the bathroom.

"Hey yanno babe?" I heard him ask for the other room.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"You think I should tell my dads about you?" He asked after I heard him gargle some water.

"It's your choice baby boy," I said.

"Yeah I know that but I was asking your opinion." He said, his voice growing closer.

"I'd say go for it. The worst they can do is claim they forbid you to see me but then you just come and live with me till they come around." I suggested.

"Y-you'd do that for me?" He asked, his face turning a slight pink.

"Anything for you," I said blowing a kiss in his direction.

He smiled and pretended to catch the kiss, "You don't have to be there when I tell them, but I do expect you to be there afterwards regardless of what they say."

Peter decided we would talk together to the Tower. I had no problem with this but teleportation could of been easier especially because I'm lazy. We were walking down the street, hands intertwined, when an old man snarled at us.

"It's unnatural, what you're doing!" He exclaimed.

I didn't say anything, I just smiled and gave him the honor of seeing my pretty middle finger. Peter giggled and teasingly slapped my arm.

"Hey, I could of done much worse baby boy." I chuckled.

"I'm aware," he nodded.

I tucked myself and Peter into his room. He bolted for the door then stopped dead in his tracks.

"What if they don't like you Wade?" He asked obviously nervous.

"They will and if they don't I'll make them!" I said placing my hands on Peters shoulders.

He turned around and kissed me. As he pulled away he smiled and thanked me for the reassurance. He opened the door and disappeared into the maze that was the Stark Tower.

Peter's POV~

I was so nervous I started to feel like I was going to have a panic attack, which I haven't had in a long time. The feeling of my heart beating so fast inside of me it felt numb. My breath started to quicken as I reached the elevator. When I reached out to push the button to go down my hands were shaking very noticeably.

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