Chapter 4

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Wade's POV~

I decided to cook me and my baby boy a good morning after breakfast. It was more of a brunch really. I waltzed into the kitchen in nothing but my boxers and read the time stamped on the microwave: 11:30.

'Hot damn lover boy, it ain't even the weekend,' Yellow box retorted.

"And a good morning to you too." I whispered, doing everything I could to keep the peace in my apartment.

'I'm thinking waffles,' White box chirped.

'Um who are you??? Pancakes are way better???' Yellow box declared.

'Mmmmmmhow? it's a flat peace of warm bread. Waffles have crevices to put syrup in, syrup just falls off of pancakes.' White box snapped.

'Fite me.' Yellow box said.

'Now how do I do that smarty?' White box asked very sarcastically.

I usually didn't like it when the boxes went back and forth in my mind like this, but it was quite amusing. I ended up making waffles since Yellow box couldn't come up with an excuse as to why pancakes were better. All Yellow box wanted to do was fight White box, which left me wondering if they could. I poured the creamy batter into the waffle iron and waited for the light to turn green, signifying it was done. Soon, I popped the first one out and put in another one. As I shut the silver top, I heard a pair of feet padding on my floors. The steps were slow and unsteady. A smile stretched ear to ear when I saw a drowsy Peter stagger towards me.

"Did I go to hard on ya baby boy?" I asked kissing the top of his head.

"Naw I'll get over it," he said still slurring some of his words. "It smells good in here."

"Yeah, I figured I'd make you a good breakfast." I said.

Peter smiled a warm smile and wrapped his arms around my torso.

"Thank you my love."

After breakfast, I sprawled out on the couch taking the TV remote and flipping it on. Peter soon followed into the room and plopped himself on top of me.

"You wanna top now?" I asked smiling down at him and ruffling his hair.

"Shut up," He said pushing his head into my hand.

We lay there for an hour or so until Peter's phone started to ring. He groaned and hopped off of me, scurrying to pick it up before it went to voicemail. I heard his voice mumble in the distance.

"Yeah.....Mmhhmm.....Okay.....okay.....Yes......No.....I'm fine......Okay.....Goodbye."

He walked back into the room and set the phone down on the table, placing himself back on me.

"Tony worried?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Naw, it was Steve," Peter said now turning his head to face me. "He wanted to check up on me," He lied. I could tell it was a lie by the way his left eye twitched. I didn't push further so I smiled and pecked him on the lips.


We soon got dressed in normal clothes, Peter borrowing some of mine. We were close to the Stark Tower when he stopped me.

"Thank you for everything Wade. I had a really fun time," He said biting his lower lip. "I hope we can do it again."

"Me too baby boy. I'll make sure to swing by during your patrols," I said winking.

He elevated himself onto his toes and kissed me sweetly. He started to bounce away when I slapped the booty. He turned around, red in the face.

"You look good in my clothes," I called out.

From the Moment...//A SpideyPool FanficWhere stories live. Discover now