Chapter 11

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Wade's POV~

It had rolled well into November when I noticed Peter's growing isolation. Tony was upping the ante with the business world. Peter was taking hits right and left yet still seemed to be his silly sleep-deprived self. Or so I thought.

We were in his lab. Him, sitting back at his microscope with a notepad next to him, jotting down notes every couple of minutes. I, sharpening a throwing knife. Suddenly he jerks upwards and slams his fists on the steel table. I jump and almost loose a finger.

"Dammnit Wade! Why am I so sheltered?!" Peter asked.

"....I'm confused..." I stated.

"I'm so sheltered! I should be out doing stupid things like any other young adult. Instead I'm in here, pretending to be my father!" Peter put his face in his hands. "I'm sorry if I scared you. I just feel like since being out of high school, I've done nothing but dive head first into extreme adulthood. I wanna do stupid shit. I wanna get black-out drunk somewhere and not be able to remember anything the next morning. I wanna go set off some illegal fireworks! I wanna-"

"Don't get to carried away babe. I know what cha mean though. You never did any of that in high school though?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No...all three of my friends practically breathed college from the moment I'd met them and I was always flooded with homework and superheroing." Peter sighed.

"You were friends with the nerds, ha! That's a shocker." I laughed.

"Well what were you in high school?" Peter looked up.

"Exactly what I am today, The Asshole™." I said smirking.

"You're not an asshole...sometimes," Peter said smiling.

"Oh god, but I was worse. I was really cocky and into sports, track and stuff." I said walking over to Peter.

"Track?" He echoed.

"Yup," I said placing both hands on the table.

" had a track uniform..?" Peter asked.

"Sure did. It was red and yellow- wait why?" I asked.

"Well obviously you were on the track team, the star probably." Peter picked up one of my hands, "so there must be some pictures floating online of your team.." He smiled evilly.

"You wouldn't dare..." I said glaring at him.

"Try me," He growled.

I threw my hands up in surrender, "I give."

"Ugh...okay," Peter said going back to his microscope.


I was lying in bed, the light from the bathroom indicated Peter was in there. I closed my eyes and breathed in when I heard a tiny yelp come from the bathroom. Shuffled footsteps followed as Peter poked his head out.

"Hey Wade? You know, I adore you. You're my life, my light, my reason to breath. Everything you do is amazing and I'll be by your side no matter what because I love you." Peter said.

"What do you want?" I said not bothering to open my eyes.

"There's a really big beetle on the sink and I don't have the heart to kill it." Peter said.

I stayed silent for a moment as I opened my eyes, "'re so adorable."


Peter had been held up in his lab for three days and he wouldn't let me in. All he kept asking for was Jelly Beans but he'd ask JARVIS to get them for him. I was so close to breaking down the steel door, but Steve suggested otherwise.

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