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Peter's POV~

My eyes fluttered open as I awoke to the sound of a party horn being blown fairly close to my head. I immediately jumped and ended up sticking to, and hitting my head on the wall my bed sat next to. Caressing my head with my left arm, I heard a chuckle that turned into a full laugh from behind me. I unstuck myself from the wall, plopping on the bed below. I glared at the short male figure walking out of the door. I then glanced at my clock on the bedside table.

"Goddamn 8 o'clock in the morning and people think it's okay to freakin' scare me like this? okay." I grumbled in a low voice.

I pulled some black sweatpants on and trudged out of my bedroom door. My head was still pounding when I heard a familiar robot voice echo in the hallway.

"Would you like me to help, sir?" JARVIS asked.

"No no it's cool, just my dad being fucking stupid." I stated only loud enough for JARVIS to hear me.

I pushed the button on the elevator to go down and fiddled with my red shirt. The doors opened and I rolled inside, sitting down and leaning my neck on the rail. I closed my eyes and felt the doors close and the elevator lower. A sigh made its way up my throat while I opened my eyes again.

'Today's the day,' I thought, 'the day I die.'

I chuckled to myself and rolled out of the already open elevator doors. Sliding with my socks on the hard floors, I made my way to the kitchen.

'Everything's a little quiet,' I decided as I opened the refrigerator and placed my hands on the orange juice. 'A little too quiet..'

I turned around and reached to the cabinet to get a glass. I stood, frozen, when I saw an arrow zoom right front of my nose. I turned my eyes to the direction it flew from, then felt myself being pushed by the cabinet into a chair. Aunt Nat climbed out of the now open cabinet and all the Avengers made their way out of hiding and into the kitchen.

"Sorry kid," Uncle Clint chuckled, clapping me in the back with his right hand.

I turned a slight shade of pink from both embarrassment and anger. However, I didn't not act upon the anger seeing as all eyes were on me. My dad, Steve, yanked the arrow out of the cabinet and smiled down at me. My other dad, Tony, then made his way over to Steve and kissed him on the cheek.

"My boy, my son.." My dad started.

"Our boy, our son." Steve corrected.

Tony brushed Steve's comment off and looked at me.

"Today's the big day, kid." Aunt Nat said.

"We're all so proud of you." Thor boomed.

"I'm just graduating, most kids go through it," I said.

"I have been informed of this. However, I have also been told the importance of an occasion such as this. It's an important rite of passage." He responded.

Deciding to give up the argument, I thanked everyone for coming over and the support. After much talking, the Avengers went their separate ways and it was just me and my dads in the grand Stark Tower. For a family of three, the building was far too large. But then again at one point it housed almost eight of the world's best and most powerful heroes.


"That was exhausting!" Tony stated throwing himself in the closets chair.

"Honey, you slept most of the time and Peter is right here!" Steve said motioning over to me.

"No no I agree with dad, I didn't know Gwen's speech was going to be that long!" I said sighing and tossing myself on the couch, ignoring my cap and gown. I felt the tiredness seep in and decided if I was going to sleep it would be in my bed. After saying goodnight to my dads and stripping myself down to only my underwear, I climbed into bed. The comforter on top of me was warm and fluffy and soon I was lulled off to slumber.

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