Chapter 9

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*~Dedicated to everyone killed and wounded in the Dallas Shooting on July 7th or affected by policemen brutality~*

Wade's POV~

Goosebumps shot up my neck as Peter backed away. With my eyes fixated on him, I felt like I brought out this more animal side. As much as I love my flustered Peter, this side was really, really sexy. Slowly, Peter stripped himself of his clothes and crawled seductively onto the bed, entangling himself in the sheets. Part of my attention shot to the fact that my baby boy had stuck me to the wall, again. I bit my lip and flicked my eyes up towards my hands. Peter growled softly, moving his hand down into my sheets. He gripped himself and moved his hand slowly, biting his bottom lip and moaning quietly. Peter's eyes locked with mine as he did so, making sure not to break it. My lips parted as my shoulders relaxed themselves. My knees became weak watching him.

"Mmm..." Peter moaned. ""

"Oh my god..." I mumbled, just barley audible.

Peter smirked and broke our eye contact to glance down. His eyes grew big for a second then hungry. He stood from the sheets, himself being hard as well. Peter rushed over to me and slipped his tongue in between my lips. I quickly dominated the kiss, making Peter moan. He drew back and ran his hands down my body, stopping just above my erection.

"How bad?" He growled quietly.

"How bad, what?" I asked, smirking.

"How bad do you want me right now?" Peter mumbled in between hickeys being planted on my neck.

"So fucking badly baby boy," I said, almost stuttering.

I added dead weight onto the webbing in hopes it'd break, making sure Peter didn't notice this. He went back to attacking my face and slowly slipping my belt off. He was a good tease, but he had no idea what was about to hit him.

Peter was rolling the hem of my pants when the restraints had broken. I quickly pulled off my shirt and threw Peter on my bed before he had time to react. His pupils expanded as I neared his face; his breath quickened.

"Wade.." Peter moaned, arching his back and pressing his chest against mine.


I woke up to a quiet snore. Peter's face was nestled into my neck and his body splayed out on my bed. I chuckled at my spider, my nerd of a fiancé. I stayed still till he woke up, his eyes fluttering to life.

"Morning baby boy," I whispered.

He hummed a response and closed his eyes again.

"Can we just stay like this forever?" He quietly croaked.

"Sure baby," I said, kissing the top of his forehead.

We laid together for what seemed like only seconds, when Peter's phone rang. He groaned and let it ring a couple times before stumbling to get up, and answering.

"Hello?" He asked, waiting for a response. "Yeah.....mhhm," Peter said trying to not fall asleep standing up. "That's today? Right now?" He shot awake."Okay, be right down."

"What's up?" I asked.

"Tony wants me to go to work with him...again." Peter groaned, flopping back down on the bed. I sat up to listen to him rant about it. "I don't know what Tony is getting out of this. Plus his schedule, for a fucking billionaire, is so boring. I don't understand babe."

"I don't know either," I lied. "I'll do patrols while you're away being a cute business man."

Peter smiled and got up to get ready. He stopped at the door when he realized he had no clothes on.

From the Moment...//A SpideyPool FanficWhere stories live. Discover now