Chapter 12

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[Kinky!Peter. That is all]

Wade's POV~

November 14th was today's date, two days away from when Peter was to walk down the aisle and announce his undying love for me. Shocking. The babe and I were scheduled to go on one last patrol before officially tying some knot Steve keeps talking about.

The sun had begun to sink its way down into the sky by the end of our rounds. The streets of the Big Apple were still noisily moving, similar to that of the morning rush hour. Peter and I were perched on a building, legs dangling off the edge.

"One last time.." He started.

"Don't make it sound like we're suddenly breaking up or dying!" I whined, playfully hitting his arm.

"I know but still. After 3:30 on the 16th, you're gonna be mine forever...Shocking." He said.

"Yanno I was just thinking that," I responded smirking under my mask.

Peter took ahold of my hand and intertwined our fingers together. He hummed quietly to the contact and looked down at the crowds moving back and forth between streets. His gloved hand reached up and rubbed against the material of his mask. He flipped his mask up and scratched his chin, a downside to having to wear a suit. He kept the flap up, to lazy to pull it back down.

I noticed the sun's dip into the sky. "When ya wanna go home?"

"Let's just stay...for a bit longer," Peter answered.

I looked down and noticed some kids, way below us, pointing at Peter and I. The kids got the attention of some others and soon a small crowd started to form in the middle of the busy walkway. I nudged Peter to get him to notice them. More and more people started to gather around when I turned to my fiancé.

"Do they know you're identity?"

"No, Tony and Steve let me keep that a secret." He stated.

A kid shouted from below the street, "HEY SPIDERMAN, IS THAT YOUR BOYFRIEND??"

I could see the red creeping up on Peter's neck and cheeks. His mouth hung slightly open as he watched the tiny people gaze back up at him.

"Let's go babe," I said, pulling my legs back over and standing up.

I pulled up my own mask as Peter stood up, eyes still glued to the crowd. Just as his head whipped around, I pulled him in close. A sea of 'awe's' erupted from the crowd below. Peter, who's face now resembled that of a tomato, stood in shock. I smirked and quickly pressed my lips to his. Just for a moment, the entire world stopped. The crowd's screams were silenced and the noises from New York had all calmed down. For a split second, it was just Peter and I.

When I pulled away, I felt Peter's hand snake around me as the other arm shot to the side of us, pulling us into the shade of another building.

"I hate you so much," Peter breathed, going in for another kiss. I heard an uproar from the citizens of New York, cheering mostly.

"Let's run away, just you and me." I exclaimed taking Peter's hand in mine.


"What is this?!?!" Tony yelled.

Next thing I know, a Stark Tablet nailed me in the hip. Peter, whom I was previously spooning, sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"What...?" I asked weakly.

Peter picked up the machine, squinting to read the words. His eyes grew wide as he scrolled down.

"What is it?" I asked again.

From the Moment...//A SpideyPool FanficWhere stories live. Discover now