Chapter 1

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Wade's POV~

It was that time of the year again. When seniors graduate and immediately want to kill all their shit-hole classmates and perverted ex-teachers.
'Prime time for someone like me to swoop in and do some killing.' I thought as I saw a large group of freshly graduated children spewing out of an auditorium.

'Yanno it's kinda unfair. To be straight out of high school and have your whole life ahead of you, just to be killed by some guy in need of cash.' White box stated.

'Woah woah woah since when the fuck did you care?' Yellow box retorted.

"White does have a point though," I said.

However, sure enough the next day I got a phone call from a girl who wanted her ex-boyfriend killed.

"I'm going to need a photo of this guy," I stated.

"O-oh yeah...hold on I'll send you one." She stuttered.

She sounded like a good girl, a goody-two-shoes kinda girl. So I couldn't help but wonder why she wanted this fucker dead. My phone vibrated and I saw I had one new picture message.

"Just wondering why do you want him dead?" I asked her.

"You don't need to know. All you need to do is kill him and I'll pay you." She said hanging up the call.

'Okay, damn bitch! Fine!' Yellow box sassed.

I opened the message from the girl and looked at the photo.

"Damn...he's actually hot...wonder why she wants him dead?" I said as my eyes scanned his pretty pixelated face.

'I say we knock her teeth in too but that's just me-'

"Shut up!" I said cutting Yellow box off and hitting the side of my head with my left palm.

Peter's POV~

I awoke to a mysterious figure looming over me. My first instinct, like many others, was to scream. I would of but the mystery man covered my mouth with his gloved hand and shook his head as to say 'no'. I slowly moved my hands up the bed without him noticing.

"Alright," he whispered, "now I'm going to take my hand off your mouth and you're not going to scream."

I nodded my head 'yes' and as soon as he lifted his hand, I shot him with my webs so both gloved hands were stuck to the wall.

"Oh what the shi-"

"Who are you and what do you want?" I croaked still trying to shake off the just-woken-up effect.

"I'm DeadPool," he said while looking at his pinned up hands, "and from the looks of it I'd say you're that web-head, SpiderMan."

'shit...' I thought.

I examined the man who now knew my real and superhero identity. He was wearing spandex material similar to mine and had an assortment of weapons loaded on him.

" look like a super. How come I've never heard of you?" I asked, now intrigued by DeadPool.

"Oh honey, I'd hardly call myself a superhero. I'm a mercenary, I kill people." He said popping his right hip out.

I hummed at his response.

'wait...if he kills people and he's here now..'

"Were you sent to kill me?" I asked.

"Sí señor. A young, clearly scared, woman called me and asked me to track your fine ass down and kill you." He said winking.

"Ugh that bitch." I said rubbing my eyes, ignoring his comment. The pieces were all starting to fit together now.

From the Moment...//A SpideyPool FanficWhere stories live. Discover now