Stupid Angels

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    The Winchester's let you sleep through the night. You just seemed too peaceful apparently. So they left your burger on the table and retired for the night.

     You woke up early in the morning before the others. Out of habit, you glanced over at the bedside table and smiled when you saw the yellow tulip resting gently. Beside it was a small piece of paper folded in two with your name on it. This was new. You sat up and groaned at the headache that was still there. You saw all three boys asleep, so you grabbed the flower and the note and went into the bathroom. 

    (y/n), I'm not sure why you moved in with the Winchester's. They're not safe for you. I'm so sorry I wasn't there to keep you safe from the Djinn, some idiot was keeping me somewhere I couldn't get to you. But I'm watching now, promise. If you need me, just call. I'm here when you need me, even if you don't know me. Speaking of that, it needs to be fixed. To talk, just... imagine you're talking to me and say my name aloud. Don't say it around others, though.                          -Gabriel 

     You tossed the paper down the toilet and flushed it. No one was going to see this, at least not the Winchester's. "Time to try this out," you mumbled to yourself. "Gabriel, this better work," you said aloud. You waited in the bathroom, waiting to hear something in the ringing silence. You heard a sound like the flapping of wings and you scrunched up your face in confusion. "Oh, it works, kitten. I'd make sure of that." You spun around to see a man sitting on the toilet. "What the hell!" you yelled. He shushed you urgently. "Can't have you waking up the morons. They find me, I'm done for," he explained. "You're Gabriel? The one who keeps bring me the things I need?" you asked. He nodded with a smirk. "The one and only." A knock at the door made you jump and let loose a little shriek. It was just Sam. "(y/n)? Are you okay? I heard you yell, and I just thought maybe you were..." "I'm fine, Sam. Just girl problems," you lied.

     "Already learning. I'm so proud," Gabriel said, wiping away a fake tear. You slapped him playfully on the arm. "Look, I'm glad I finally met you and all, but you should probably go. I don't like lying to them; they did do me a favor in taking me in, and I like the boys. John seems like he's been though enough, I can't betray him and all that jazz," you explained. "Well, you know how to get me if you need me," he said. He planted a light kiss on your forehead and was gone. "Why did he kiss me," you wondered. You ran a brush through your hair quickly and opened the bathroom door. John was at the counter making coffee, Sam was tying his shoes, and Dean was still lying in bed. You laughed and  pointed at Dean. John smiled a little at the sound of your laughter. "The boys are gonna stay behind and start teaching you some of the basics. That is, if you're serious about wanting in on this lifestyle," said John without turning around. "Yeah. I don't have much to live for anyways. And I want to help people where I can," you decided. He nodded and went back to the coffee maker. You went over to Dean's bed and jumped next to him, making the bed shake. Dean opened his eyes and stared at you with bleary eyes. He raised an eyebrow at you and flipped over. You giggled and out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Sam smile at your actions. 

     Dean finally got up and John was preparing to leave. Sam pulled book after book out of the back of the Impala and lugged them into the hotel. Soon, there was a Leaning Tower of Books on the table. John told Dean he'd be back in a day or so and he was gone. You threw your hair up in a messy bun and turned to see the boys rummaging through the books at the table. "So what's first?" you inquired. "Vampire," said Dean followed by "Then vengeful spirits, demons, vampires, acheri, djinn, changelings, all the normal stuff. But we'll probably only get to vampires today. Angels and demons take a hile. They're harder to kill." You slumped down into a chair between the two of them and sighed. It seemed like you had a lot to learn. 

After almost eleven hours, you were beginning to get a little stir crazy. The boys weren't even phased yet. "How do you do this? Just sit and read for a whole day!" you wondered aloud in awe. "You get used to it after a while. Dad used to make me do it for days at a time. It might save your life one day," Dean said. He pushed up from the chair and opened the fridge. "Who ate the last slice of pie?" asked Dean. "I'm getting cabin fever. I'll go get you some more pie," you said. "I'll go with you. I mean, can I come?" asked Sam. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously and you grinned. "You can come, Samster," you told him as you tied your shoes. You waved to Dean as you headed out the door. 

     "How old are you actually, Sam? I mean, I know you look older, so..." you asked casually. "I just turned nineteen in May. And you're..." He left the statement floating. "Be eighteen in a month or so. October 24th," you filled in. You walked in comfortable silence for a while when Sam put his hand on his shoulder. "(y/n), I need to talk to you. And you can't tell Dean or Dad, okay?" You nodded and he continued. 

     "I think I'm going to leave hunting behind and go to college."

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