And Until Then

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"Holy shit," muttered Dean, tightening his grip on you. You stared at the words in utter disbelief. He couldn't actually think you still belonged to him after everything he'd done. After he'd shoved you out the door of his home-- your home-- and left you alone in the ringing silence. "We can go somewhere else if you want," Dean offered, but you declined. "Come on, (Y/n), I'm getting bored and I need someone to satisfy me. I have needs, too, you know. Maybe you could help me and then we could sleep," nudged Lucifer. You kissed Dean on the cheek and pushed through Lucifer to close yourself in the bathroom. You sat down with your back to the door and sighed. "I'm so tired," you voiced, almost begging for sleep with everything in you. But you'd die before you went back to Lucifer. He was the reason you were in this predicament in the first place. You leaned back on the door and closed your eyes long enough to see flashes of your time in Hell. A tear fell down your face and you stifled your sob to keep from worrying Dean. "Calm don, (Y/n), nothing's going to happen, just calm down and we'll be okay, cool?" you sighed under your breath. 

"You know, I'm still here. It would seem that lover boy is still watching, but maybe he just doesn't care. I care, you know," said Lucifer lightly. He crouched down to your level and put a finger under your chin, pointing your face upwards into his blue eyes. "I care and can take care," he whispered huskily. You tore your face away from him, looking at him with all the hatred you felt welled up inside of you. "You sicken me, Lucifer Morningstar. You are cruel and disgusting and I will die again before I come to you willingly. No memory charm will make me forget the thing I feel for you now, no matter how powerful you are and may be. Nothing, dearest Luci," you spat. He smiled coldly at you before striking you back with the back of his hand. "You will not speak in such a manner to me, little girl. You will listen to Daddy or you will be punished," he whispered in a low voice. You stood up and walked out the door. 

Dean was waiting for you on the other side. "Sorry, I just got nervous that something was going to happen. I was listening. I didn't want you calling Cas again," he admitted sheepishly. "Oh, is someone jealous?" you asked, poking him on the nose. He grabbed you by the waist, pulled you in close so you could feel his hot breath on your neck, and whispered, "Very." You whimpered a little bit as he nipped at your ear lobe and mumbled something you couldn't understand. You felt someone watching you and you sighed in relief when you heard a door open and Sam yell, "I'm back! Pause your making out, please!" Dean smiled into the crook of your neck and walked into the other room to fling himself onto the couch in a sleeping position.

He had brought back burgers from a local place that he'd seen good reviews for. In truth, they were the best things you'd eaten in a long time. Fresh lettuce, organic meat perfectly cooked, and cheese that was just creamy enough. But you were barely able to taste it. Your eyes would drift off and you missed what the boys were saying to you. After a couple of times, Dean spoke up about it. "(Y/n), you okay?" he asked, reaching over the table to take your hand. You heard something whispering in the back of your mind and drew your hand away. "I'm just really tired is all," you yawned. "Go get one of my shirts and you can go to sleep in the bed. We'll be up there in a while," he said. When you walked by, his hand slapped at the back of your thigh and you jumped. They boys both chuckled. When you had gone out of sight, you stayed behind the doorway and listened in.

There was silence for a while before Sam said, "She seem off to you?" Dean agreed. "Yeah, definitely. The bags under her eyes, she's drifting off but won't sleep, the whole nine yards. I'm thinking something's wrong. Like someone's chasing her or maybe PTSD. Super jumpy and looks at things that aren't there, talking to nothing in the bathroom, stuff like that. Then there was the mirror thing." "What mirror thing?" asked Sam. "We were making out and then there was this ringing noise, then the mirror cracked in the form of the words 'She's still mine' and then a 'G', from Gabriel. He's still watching her. Whatever went down between them needs to end. He can't have her back, not after I finally got up the courage to mark her. And I'm planning on marking her from the inside, too," explained Dean, shifting in his seat to cover his crotch. "Dude, gross. No details about banging my best friend," complained Sam. Dean smirked, slapped his shoulder, and began to walk towards the door where you were hiding.

You bounded towards the room as fast as you could on your tiptoes. You hurled yourself at the bed and covered yourself right as Dean walked in. "You asleep yet, sweetheart?" he asked quietly. "Of course not," you replied just as softly. You heard the door close behind you and he said, "Sam can sleep on the couch tonight. He won't want to bother us, will he?" Your mind flew to Gabriel. He'd said the same thing when one of his brothers needed help and was staying with you guys. "Not tonight, Dean, I'm not-- I don't want to yet. Let's take things slow," you whispered, leaning up on one arm. His face looked crestfallen, but he smiled. "Whatever you want is what I want, baby girl," he said, crawling in next to you. You turned around to put your back to him, but he pulled you in close. "I've wanted to do this for months," he whispered in your ear. Letting a light kiss fall on your neck, you inwardly sighed. He pressed another kiss to your shoulder and you thought, "He always smells so good--just like the kind of candy I need. So sweet, just like him and the candy he loves." Turning over in Dean's arms, you weren't met with Dean's face, but a different one. One you'd missed more than anything.


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