Moving On...?

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It was so beautiful, wherever you were. Mountains closed in on your and snow covered the tips of them. The sky was clear except for the flakes of pure white that fell from nowhere. A cozy cabin stood in front of you, smoke coming steadily from the chimney on top. The trees were white everywhere and the snow was untouched by any feet of any kind. "If this is too cold, we can go somewhere else," piper up Lucifer from beside you. You were still shocked by the beauty. "No, no, this is... this is good. Really good," you breathed. One of his hands moved you to stand in front of him while he put his head on your shoulder. "It's all for you. That mountain is called Mount (Y/n). It's beauty can't compare to yours, though," he whispered in your ear. You didn't reply. The smell of the smoke reached your nose and you sighed. One last look up at the snow falling around you and you felt content for the first time in what felt like forever. Lucifer moved around you, took your hand in his, and lead you to the cabin. 

Inside was just as you had expected it to be. A roaring fire stood in one corner, comfortable furniture, an open floor plan, a wide kitchen with two mugs of cocoa on it already, a stairway that lead to an overlooking balcony-slash-bedroom. The wood was bright and made the single room house warmer than it really was. Books were piled in front of the fireplace, in the corners of the room, overflowing from the bookshelves. "Oh, Luci," you sighed. He had unfolded on one of the couches, a steaming mug in his hand. He patted the spot next to him, but you shook your head, moving instead to the fireplace. You crouched down to leaf through the books. (Your Favorite Book). You flipped open the front page and gasped. "This is an original copy. Signed by the author. What even," you said, a grin spreading across your face. Lucifer was watching you intently, his eyes shining. You leaned back against the brick wall and let the fire warm your legs and the book engulf you like it always had. 

Minutes turned into hours which turned into a whole day. At one point, a collection of your favorite songs had come from a set of speakers better than you had ever heard. Even the songs that weren't on Spotify, like Kellin Quinn's "Iris" cover, was on. You sang along softly as Lucifer read his own book. After a good many books, you set the current one down and glanced up to where Lucifer was. His eyes were closed. You silently slipped out of the door with a hoodie in your arms. The woods were just as entrancing as before. It was quiet except for the birds and the creak of your feet over the wooden porch. Sitting on the porch swing, you leaned back and hummed a song you remembered from somewhere. "I searched the world, every mountain, every valley, for the one to whom I give my heart," you sang softly. Something tickled the back of your mind and you pushed to remember where you knew that song from. It was a Cereus Bright song, but someone else was singing it. Someone you loved. The harmonies-- they were fresher... What was it...?

You gave up and let your mind wander back to the tall man. You'd called him Sam. "Sam," you murmured, testing the sound of it. It rolled off your tongue like you'd said it a million times. The hazel eyes, the shaggy brown hair, the hands you knew too well for your comfort, it was... And then there was the man you'd first saw. Lucifer's little brother? Oh, a name, a name. G... Gavin? Gale? Garrett? George, Gary, Graham, Greyson? No, no, no. Something else. You were so close to him, you knew it. Something in you knew him. A strange feeling around him, safety that being around Lucifer didn't give off. Butterflies, strength, adoration... love? "How can you love a stranger?" you said aloud. A crunching sound came from the woods and you looked. A doe with a buck and a fawn still on wobbly legs. The buck's horns stretched across his whole body and the sun was directly behind him. The golden light made them look like wings and the sensation was back. The man with hair like that, he was all that came to mind. The fawn saw you and its ears perked up. It wobbled towards you slowly. You slunk your way over to the edge of the stairs and held out an hand. The buck let out a snort, but the fawn ignored it. It sniffed your hands, then came closer and bounded around you. You stood up and breathed out a laugh. The buck let out a braying sound, but then it shushed. After a moment, it bounded back to the doe. The buck lifted its head and they left into the woods. Shivering, you went back inside. 

Lucifer had his arms crossed over his chest, a book levitating in front of him. "You were longing for an angel, I felt it. So I was going to come get you, but then you came in yourself. You're still longing. Come here," he said without looking up. You blushed and went to him. He pulled you onto his lap. As always, he was cold as ice. He let the book fall, causing you to jump. "(Y/n), look at me," he said. You did. He placed on long finger under your chin and leaned in close to you. His normally light blue eyes were darker than usual and it was almost scary. "A human shouldn't be able to do this to me. They're filthy and lesser and unclean, so unlike me and my father. But you, you're not like them, (Y/n). So bright and caring, funny, smart, stunning, Dad must have spent a week on you. So beautiful," he rumbled. Every word made him lean in a little closer until his lips were hovering above yours. "Let me conquer you, (Y/n)," he rasped. You didn't reply and he pushed a rough kiss to your lips.

It was a clash of teeth and tongue, the intensity of it finally showing you what he really was. Your lips were swollen from his kisses. Every touch was agonizingly hard, bruises would be everywhere, you knew. Normally, you would have wanted this, but now that it was happening, it felt so... wrong. Everything in you screamed a name, but the name just wouldn't come to you. He pushed you back on the couch and laid his whole weight on top of you, leaving you gasping for air more so than you already were. "(Y/n)," he groaned. He pushed down one of the shoulders on your hoodie and you used every ounce of strength you had to roll out from under him. "I'm not ready for that," you said weakly. Your lips stung and your hips hurt from where he was gripping you so tightly. Someone had been gentler with you, worshiping your body in ways that left you feeling high and so full of love for him. But you'd never been with anyone before Lucifer... You ran up the stairs to the bedroom and fell under the covers, searching ever corner of your mind for the name. Something snapped and you almost screamed in pain. Just a tiny slip of information, just seven letters. Seven letters that made all the difference in the world.


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