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When you woke up, Gabriel wasn't behind you like he usually was. But as you opened your eyes, you realized it wasn't the only thing that was different. You weren't anywhere you'd been before and it was terrifying. The room was like the one you'd had at your old place before you'd met the Winchester's, but there were no windows and the door didn't have a handle on it. You sat up slowly and looked around. Throwing the blanket off of you, the cold air hit your bare legs. There was a noise on the other side of the un-openable door and a man John's age walked in. He had dark hair, striking blue eyes, a straight nose, and a build that would put Sam to shame. "(Y/n) (Y/l/n), right? My name is Adam Winchester. I know you know my brother, John, and I know what you mean to him. You'll be here until I come to an agreement with my twin. Anything you want is yours and you'll be treated well by my son, James. Would you like to meet him?" he said. You were just staring at him in awe. "You... you kidnapped me? No, I don't want to meet your probably psycho son! I want you to let me go! Do I get a phone call? Where's Gabriel? Is he here? Jesus Christ, you have lost your mind if you think John's going to give you something for me. I'm just baggage to him. He'll be happy you took me, asshat," you spat out rapid fire. He chuckled and left the room, replaced by a boy your age. 

He was handsome, you'd give him that. Hair silver as the moon, matching eyes with Sam's height. He had a strange cut across his collarbone, which stood out against his fair skin. "I'm so sorry about my dad. He's so cruel. I'm going to get you out," he whispered with his head down once the lock latched behind Adam. You were taken back by his words. "What?" He glanced up at you with sad eyes and continued. "I'm not like him, I swear it. I will get you out of here before he gets what he wants. Uncle John did something to my father was younger and he hates him. I can understood why he did it, but this is ridiculous. I hate it. I hope I can make it a little more bearable." You stood and went to him. "Thank you, James. I appreciate it. They'll be looking for me, and no one's going to stop Gabriel from getting to me. He's powerful. He'll find me eventually," you said. He stared into your eyes. "You have such beautiful eyes, you know," he complimented softly. You smiled. "Thank you. Yours are so unique. And your hair, it's... Is it dyed?" He shook his head. "The medicine I take for my illness turns my hair and eyes this color. It also tempers with my complexion," he said, dropping his head again. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you," you apologized quickly. "Don't apologize. Treat me like anyone else, please. And call me Jem. I want to be normal," he told you, lifting his head a bit. "Okay, Jem."

Jem had a story like one you'd never you'd heard. His mother tried to kill him, then killed himself, his father was crazed for revenge, and he was dying from an illness that no one knew how to cure or do much other than delay it a few years. Even after that, he was so empathetic towards you. You liked him immensely. He had a sense of humor similar to Gabriel's, but he was as brilliant as Sam. You talked for hours when your stomach growled loudly. "You're hungry. What would you like? I'm allowed to call my father for meals, but I have to stay with you until he lets you go. I'm sorry," he said. You smiled. "You don't have to apologize so much. And you can get whatever sounds good to you," you replied. Something in him made you calm. Everything was supposed to be horrifying, but Jem made it seem just a hang out. He sent a quick text, and in a few minutes, a burger was there. You both ate and you were tired almost immediately after eating it. "What was up with this thing?" you said groggily. "I-I don't--Oh, God," he said. He fell over on the bed and you lost consciousness.

"So beautiful," said a familiar voice from somewhere.

Finding An Angel - Gabriel x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now