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Hey, guys! This isn't really an update as more of a chance for a few of you to get me know me a little better because I feel like the culmination of fivE-THOUSAND PEOPLE need to know a little bit more about me? Not to be narcissistic, just a thought.

Simple stuff? Okay.

My name is Elys Turner, I'm 15, a freshman living in rural Tennessee. My favorite color is grey, I have way too many pets, I'm actually pretty popular even with my social anxiety and depression, a geek beyond all belief, I'm a huge Tennessee Vols fan, and choir is 30% of my life, the other 70% being all other music, writing, and fandoms in general.

I don't do this for anything but you guys and the hopes I can make someone's day a little brighter. My wonderful constant readers (like unpopulatte and intrigue810 and HellFire11 and drwinchesterholmes and imshook02 and megKirkland42, just to name a few) keep me smiling and going. Really, y'all are the best.

Okay, I'm almost done rambling, promise. Just thought I'd add one more thing before I go: I love all y'all even though we've never even seen each other. You are important and beautiful and perfect. I'm just someone on the other side of the screen, a friend you can come to when you're feeling down or you just need someone to hang out with! I'm here at your service, lovelies!
Besides the point, I love y'all!

Writing is my outlet and something I'd love to do as a job and I'm hoping this can be where I get started. These first few thousand people will hopefully stick with me for another few thousand and then a few million? Won't know 'till we get there. Hit me up down below in the comment section if you have any more questions! I hope you guys have an amazing day, week, month, walk through life, and I'll see you in the next chapter!

Much love,
Elysss ❤️

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