Safe is Boring

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You finally got to where going. It was literally a junkyard. Old, rusting cars littered everywhere leading to a rustic cabin hat fit right in. "Where in God's name are we?" you asked as you got out and hauled your backpack over your shoulder. "An old friend of Dad's. Bobby Singer. This is where we stay on the rare occasion between hunts and where me and Sam stay when Dad wants a solo hunt. You'll like him," Dean explained as he popped the trunk. John was already making a beeline for the cabin, so you assumed to follow him. The boys were busy with the bags, so you ran up to catch up with him. You lost sight of him behind a car, but ran to him. Well, where he was. He wasn't there anymore and now you were lost in a maze of tetanus.

"Jesus Christ. I'm gonna be stuck here forever," you muttered as you went to fish your phone out of your bag. A thought hit you and you smirked, dropping the bag next to you. "Gabey? Little help?" you said aloud. A brush of air moved a lock of (h/c) past your shoulder and you turned to see the man leaning against a car with a lollipop in his mouth. "Miss me, toots? Just can't keep your mind off me, I see," he said with a boyish grin. You raised an eyebrow and walked over to him. "Hey, it's not every day a girl finds out she's got a guardian angel! Kill me off over it already, why don't you?" you retorted. He snapped his fingers and sat down on a chair that hadn't been there a second ago. "Come sit, darling, tell me your problems," he said in a girly voice, patting the space behind him. You rolled your eyes and sat down. "The boys are gonna come looking for me eventually," you stated. He sniggered and said, "They won't find us if I don't want them to." 

You didn't stay long with him. You knew the boys would lose their minds if they thought you were missing. But it was the best time you'd had in a while. You didn't even have to do anything, just sitting and talking with the sarcastic angel was fun enough. It helped a lot that he wasn't bad on the eyes, either. Actually, he was one of the more attractive men you'd ever met. Not as ruggedly good looking as the Winchesters, but amazing nontheless. Truthfully, you were falling for him faster than you should have. Something in the way he smiled and his eyes lit up when you laughed at one of his snarky comments said he was, too. But he was something bigger than anything and you knew it to be impossible. "Gabe, I really should be getting back. The boys are probably going tearing the place apart looking for me. It's been like, two hours. Can we do this again later? I had a lot of fun," you said. He nodded and snapped his fingers. "'Till next time, sweet cheeks," he said with a wink. He snapped his fingers and you were standing with your bag in one hand and a red flower petal in the other. 

You heard the boys yelling for you. This time there was another voice in, still a man's, and you assumed it was Bobby. Someone came hurtling around the side of a stack of cars and pointed a rifle at you. He was an older looking guy with a scruffy face and a rough looking face. A trucker hat covered his hair, but he looked like a dad. He stared at you in awe, his mouth hung open.  "You (y/n)?" he asked. "Yeah. Bobby Singer?" you said, sticking out a hand with caution. He dropped the gun and shook your hand. John! Found her!" he yelled. A moment later, Dean came hurtling around the corner with a look of despair. He set his eyes on you and sighed. "What the hell, (y/n)? Where were you? You just disappeared!" he scolded. You looked at him through your lashes and said a small sorry. "I must've hit my head on something and gotten knocked out. It's a miracle I didn't get stabbed on the way down, with all this tetanus laidened crap! Do you even have a licence for this?" you reprimended. Sam and John came around and an audible sigh was heard. "Inside, all three of you, NOW!" John yelled. You were surprised at his sudden change of actions but did as he said. This time, you kept a hand balled up in the back of Sam's flannel.

You got to where the cabin was and sat on the couch that was easy access. An awkward silence fell. "Is he mad at me?" you whispered. "No, he's mad at me for losing you. I'm the eldest and the responsible  He'll just yell me later on tonight when you're asleep for not watching you," Dean said in a soft voice. Your eyes widened at his words and you got up. "Then I'm sleeping wherever you sleep tonight. It's my fault, I choose to stay. I'm not letting you get punished for something that's not your fault, ever. Especially not over something this stupid. Y'all've been good to me, and it's time I start paying back my debt," you said, crossing your arms. He opened his mouth to protest but you shut him up by shooting him a glare. "Don't even think about blaming yourself for something you didn't do or have part in. This is my problem, and I'm going to fix it." He opened his mouth again, but this time, his brother interrupted him. "Dean, give it up, man. She's not gonna let you win on this. I know that look, and she's gonna win whether or not you like it," he said with a chuckle. He hated seeing Dean like this, but your motherly instincts were kinda funny to him. The front door opened and Bobby and John came in. "(y/n), I need a minute with my boys," said John with a stern look on his face. "Me first. Can y'all excuse us?" you said without breaking eye contact with John. He protested as the others flowed out, even Bobby.

"You are my guest and I will not tolerate this, you hear me? You are not someone who can try to boss me around, got it? You're a child, barely big enough to hold a gun, weak and unknowing of the world around you, so don't you dare try to tell me how to live my life," he growled as soon as they were gone. His words stung, but you weren't having a breakdown because he was trying to hurt you. 

"I am everything you said and more. Those words were the best I could have hoped for, but I'm not going to take your shit, either. So you listen to me, John Winchester, and you listen good. I know you were about to reprimand the boys for not watching me, and I know that they, Dean especially, are broken by your words. I might be a child, but so are they. Your children, to make matters worse. You can't see it, but they strive for your acceptance, and you shove Dean aside like a soldier when he just wants his Daddy's praise. It's my fault I got lost, not theirs. Not everything is their responsibility, not everything is their fault, and sometimes, it's not their problem. So yeah, I'm a child, but you'd best take my advice when I say that you need to ease up on them. You've lost the love of your life, but they lost their mother, the only constant women in their whole life, which was caused by her, I might add. You've lost, they've lost. You had a good childhood, right? They didn't. They never got to be kids, ever. No Saturday morning cartoons, no PB and J's made with love every day, no hugs and kisses, and certainly no happy ending at the end of the bedtime story. I think they deserve a break from your  egotistical, malevolent, basically abusive fatherhood for a while. Just be happy as you can be, and if you can't, fake it. God knows that's what everyone else does," you finished, storming off. He was left speechless.

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