Keeping the Boys Safe (Pt. 2)

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You didn't need to open your eyes to know you were back at Bobby's place. All you needed to know that? The fact that it felt like an elephant who'd just ate a ton of bricks was lying on top of you. You groaned and pushed on Dean which, of course, had no affect on him. "Dean, get off," you gasped. He was literally crushing you.  He grunted and rolled farther onto you. At this point, you were fully awake and ready to kill a Winchester. You spread your fingers as wide as you could and slapped him on his bare back. His head snapped up and he growled at you. "Did... did you just growl at me, Dean?" you said as he got off you. "Yes, because that hurt! Not a fun way to get woken up, you know," he grumbled, getting out of the bed. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and you clapped a hand over your mouth to stifle the laughter. "Is there a mark?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck. "I have never seen a five-star turn out so well," you said. You couldn't keep the laughter in and you let it out. He reached for a shirt, but you stopped him. "Wait, wait, go downstairs and let the others see my art. Please," you begged. He groaned and dropped it. "You owe me, woman," he said.

You took his arm and hauled him down the stairs, praying the others would be there. You burst into the kitchen and they all sat there. Sam gave you a raised eyebrow and you said, "I've never been so proud of myself." This caught the attention of John and Bobby, who turned to see what you'd done. Dean sighed and you turned him around slowly. "This stings like a mother," he complained. John scoffed and said, "What did you do, boy?" "He was crushing me in my sleep. Then he wouldn't move when I told him to, so I gave him a fantastic five-star," you explained. "You gotta teach me how to do that," breathed Sam.  You  noticed the stack of bacon by the oven with a box of pancake mix. "Were you just gonna take it out and then not make them?" you asked with an edge of sarcasm. "I always burn them and the boys suck at cooking," Bobby said, taking a swig of his drink. "They're pancakes. How... Nevermind, I'll make them," you said.

It didn't take long for them to cook. But it might have been that you loved listening to the boys argue over Chuck Norris or Jet Li and humming made everything go it. You slapped them on a plate and doused your in syrup you'd found in the cabinet. Dean reached over his dad to grab one and took a bit of a plain one. "O ma gaw," he sighed with a mouth full. You smiled at his reaction and Sam reached for one, too. The rest of them were gone within ten minutes and you'd only had one. "She is now the designated cooker. God, it's good to have a woman around again," said John with a smile tugging at his lips. "Gladly," you said.

 A choking sound came from Sam and you gave him a confused look. "I didn't know you and Dean were actually going to sleep together, (y/n)," he said after he swallowed. He made a small gesture to the hickey on your neck. Everyone froze and all eyes were on you. Your hand flew to your neck and you remembered the night before with Gabriel. "No, no, no, Dean didn't-- this isn't--- I didn't-- Oh, God," you said, putting your head in your hands. Dean was calm and collected, much to your surprise. "As much I wish I had, I didn't do that," he said with a smirk on his face. "What, did it just randomly show up last night? None of us care if you two are... getting it on, just admit it," said Bobby. "Christ Almighty, it wasn't Dean! It was--" You clapped a hand over your mouth and blushed a deeper shade of red. "Who?" asked John. You didn't answer, preferring to run away to the bedroom where your stuff was to get the things for a shower. 

You stripped and stepped under the stream of steaming water. You let the water wash away the stress you'd been feeling since joining the boys and went over your options. Either tell them all about Gabriel and screw everything up between you two (SO not an option) or beg Dean to play along and not ask questions, which he would want to know. Honestly, it was more than your mind could handle at the time. You sighed and sat down. You had been halfway through your hair, so of course the soap dribbled down into your eyes. "MOTHERF-- JESUS---GABRIEL!!!" you yelled carelessly. As soon as the words were out of your mouth, you regretted it. A knocking at the door came in and the door was opened. "(y/n), are you okay? What happened? Who's Gabriel? Get out of the shower; we need to talk," said Dean in a hurry. You face palmed yourself and rinsed out the shampoo as well as you could. Drying off in a hurry, you threw on clothes and trudged down to the kitchen.

This time, it was just John and Dean. "Sit," said John. You did. "Okay, who's Gabriel. You've been acting sketchy, disappearing, random marks just showing up on you, and don't think we don't know about the strange symbols going down your spine," said John, lightning in his eyes. Your eyes widened at the last part and you shook your head. "I don't have anything on my back," you said slowly. He handed you a mirror, apparently prepared for that response. You lifted the back of your shirt and sure enough, GNONP OI IN was written along your spine. "What is this?" you murmured under your breath. "Answers, now. You can't stay if you're going to keep secrets, (y/n)," said John sternly. Dean gave his dad a shocked look and opened his mouth to say something when an almost silent flapping of wings came from somewhere within the house. "What was that?" asked John. "Goddammit, Gabe! I'm fine!" you yelled. "Dean, keep her in that chair and don't let her move," ordered John. Dean took off his belt and tied your hands behind your back and to the chair. "Dean, you've got to let me out. This is way out of y'all's league, trust me on this. You can't kill them and they can kill you all with a snap of a finger, so please, let me handle this," you begged as he tightened the belt. "I'm sorry, (y/n), but Dad's right," he said as he went to follow his father. 

You heard a commotion and something getting knocked over. Grunts and occasional groans came from the other side of the wall. It was obvious they were losing. The back door opened and Sam came in. "Sammy, quick, untie me. Something's in there with them and it's going to kill them then come kill me, please, untie me," you pleaded quietly. He hurried to you and undid the belt. You hated lying to him; he was your favorite Winchester. More sweet and innocent. But something had to be done. You ran into the other room to see Dean knocked unconscious in a corner and John being choked by a man with disheveled black hair. He wore a tan trench coat and very obviously wasn't Gabriel. "Sam, stay back, it can't be killed without the proper tools," you said. John caught eye of you and motioned to a knife. You shook your head and thought quickly. Something to get Gabriel down here quickly and kill this thing. It hit you like a ton of bricks and you acted.

 You threw yourself in between the person and John and smashed your lips against the man's. He didn't react, just stood there in a confused manner. Another flapping of wings and you shoved the man away. Gabriel stood, fuming, in the corner and took large strides towards the man. "I told you to go get her, not make out with my human," he growled as he went to snap his fingers. You jumped on top of him. "No, no, no, no, don't. I had to get you down here somehow and I panicked and thought you might get jealous. It worked. I don't want him, I want you. Oh, yeah. Um, Winchester's, Gabriel, Gabriel, Winchester's," you said nervously, picking yourself up. Dean was still unconscious, John was gasping for breath, and Sam looked more confused than ever.

"Goddammit, Gabriel, talk about timing."

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