Winning Him Over

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"Yeah, he's very, um, Dean, I guess. He likes to mess around, I guess. Oh, God, off track. I'm so sorry, Sam," you said. You clutched a pillow to your chest, buried your face in it and sighed in unison with Sam. Footsteps made you look up and you saw Sam taking long strides towards you. You stood up just as his arms encased you in a tight hug. "You're not leaving again, are you? No more goodbyes, please," he said. "No, Sammy. I'm working on Gabriel right now. He'll warm up to you. Sit down, we need to talk," you ensured. He let go of you and sat down beside you on the bed, one hand still on your leg. "Look, I know I said that you have a choice to do what you want, but maybe you should tell your family goodbye in a civil way, which I'm 97% sure you didn't. And no way in hell are you going to break off everything with them. They might be insufferable assholes, but they're family. Especially Dean. He needs you just like how I need you. So you and I are going to go back there, then you can leave if you want, okay? I'll even help you get settled in if you want," you compromised. He lowered his head with a look you couldn't quite discern. 

He was quiet for the longest time. Only when you reached over and took his hand did he speak. "I want out. I want a wife and kids and a boring life with a desk job after I've been to college, and to be afraid of getting fat instead of being torn apart by some crazy monster! I know I will pay for it, but I will pay whatever it takes to live an apple pie life with Dad breathing down my back for everything I do wrong," he said softly. This is gonna be harder than I thought, you thought. "He does it because he doesn't want you hurt anymore than you have to be. And what about Dean? Or me or Bobby or any of the hundreds of people that you have and will save? Not everyone can do it, Sam, and there's a reason. I know you want it, but what if it isn't you that will have to pay? Your wife, your kids, your family. What if you die paying? Sammy, I love you like the brother I lost. I will help you if you want, but I'm going to help you first,"you agreed. He squeezed your hand and you stood up. "Come on. We've got some business to attend to." 

Gabriel was waiting on the other side of the door, eating a Snickers bar. "Ready, sexy?" he said. He looked up to Sam and raised an eyebrow. "We taking the moose? How does he even fit in this room?" he asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Yes, Gabriel, we're taking him. Sam, this is Gabriel. Gabriel, this is Sam Winchester," you introduced. Sam awkwardly put out a hand, which Gabriel took. "I know. He's a big deal back him. Big bro's got claim on the giant. But anyways!" he said, clapping his hands together. With the sound gone, you were in the middle of Bobby's living room. "You really should've let (Y/n) do that mark again before Cassie whirled her away. It's like a lighthouse in here. Practically calling me name," Gabriel snapped his fingers and the couch started to scream like a horrified man. Everyone's hands flew to their ears and you slapped him. He snapped again and it stopped. "I'm dating a child," you groaned and the others looked up slowly. "That's an angel?" asked Dean incredulously. "Yup," Gabriel bragged, popping the p. John pulled a book of matches out from his back, lit one, and threw it on the floor. "That's what you get, you son of a bitch," he growled. You rolled your eyes. "(Y/n), come here now. He's dangerous," warned John. "Moron, he's my guardian angel and my boyfriend. Yeah, he can be stupid, but he means well. We just came to talk, settle this out, okay?" you said. Your hands were raised, but Gabriel's were still crossed. John had a look of hate on his face, but he backed off. You stomped in it until a small gap in the fire was enough for him to step through. Not without cringing.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked. "My wings are bigger than a lot of others. Hello? Archangel!" he said. You rolled your eyes and stepped on his foot lightly. "Be nice," you muttered for him to hear. He groaned, but his behavior went uphill from there. You couldn't stop the occasional snark, but Sam seemed to like him plenty. At one point or another, Castiel popped in. Dean and him got on like no other in a matter of seconds. John, however, was being as stubborn as a mule about the whole thing. "I don't want you near (Y/n) or my boys. Ever. I don't like you, I don't trust you, and I don't trust anything that's not human," said John bitterly. "Well, that's great that you're protective, but so am I. I'll keep away from your inside family, but (Y/n) is mine to protect, even if you don't like it. Been there a hell of a lot longer than you have, Johnnie boy," said Gabriel. He leaned back in the chair and lopped an arm around your waist. "Told you I'm sticking with both y'all. Better get used to it, Daddio," you said.

You smirked at John, completely missing the way Dean was staring at the arm around you almost sadly. 

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