Taken (Pt. 2)

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There were light touches everywhere on your face. "(Y/n), wake up, please, (Y/n)," begged Jem's voice. Your eyes fluttered open and he audibly sighed. "It was drugged. I don't know how long. A few days I received this text. He says he's got Sam? Who's Sam?" he asked. Your eyes widened and your face dropped. "Sammy, what have I done?" you murmured under your breath. "He's my friend. I need to get to him, Jem. He could be hurt. He's... I love him like a brother. Please help me. I know you said you could get me out, but I need to get out sooner. I'll do anything. You can come with me, you can stay with me and I'll get you out of this life," you pleaded. He nodded, but he seemed to know something you didn't. "I will keep my promise, (Y/n). In return, you will stay my friend unconditionally. Deal?" he said, sticking out a hand. You took and said, "I'll be your friend forever anyways, Jem." He smiled, typed something into his phone and suddenly disappeared. It caused you to gasp, catching you so offguard.

Back at Bobby's, everyone was gearing up. Gabriel hadn't stopped moving since you disappeared from your bed. He had searched everywhere, turning to the Winchester's as a last resort. Every moment you were gone tore at his heart in a way it had never felt before. Tears fell from his amber eyes every time the thought of what was happening to you crossed his mind, but he couldn't help but think the worse. You'd been gone for almost two months. The others weren't concerned, with them not knowing until Sam disappeared as well. Everyone stood in a circle, their eyes cold and hardened towards each other.

"Keep her safe, huh?" muttered John. It wasn't the first time John had insulted Gabriel, or the millionth. At this, he lost it. "She is fine. I will find her. I made a mistake that will not happen again. So shut up before I obliterate you, you minute creature. You have no room to speak, Mr. Perfect-Father," whispered Gabriel all too softly. Dean didn't even move, just kept on with his gun. John didn't continue, but he hated him more than ever. For losing you, for putting you in danger, for yelling at him in front of his son, for talking back like he was nothing. He knew he was, but still. Gabriel suddenly stopped pacing the room and froze, closing his eyes tightly in concentration. "Gabriel, what is--" "SHUT UP!" he roared. His eyes flew open and he simply said, "I found her. She's somewhere in Lawrence, Kansas. Can't tell specifically where. Get your crap and let's go." John looked at Dean and Gabriel saw. "What?" he said angrily. "Lawrence was our home town. It's not a coincidence," explained Dean. "You're wasting my time! Time she doesn't have! Now get your booties in gear!" he yelled, fluttering away. He popped back in a second later, grabbed the WInchesters and the guns, muttered something unintelligible and fluttered back out.  

"We have to move now if we want to get out," said Jem quickly all of a sudden. You were rather taken aback by this new information and how quickly it had taken. Remembering it was an exact replica of your room, you grabbed your old teddy bear just as the door opened by itself. "That's the guard. Do you trust me?" Jem asked, his eyes shining. You nodded and he smiled. He took your hand and pulled your down the hallway towards a door. The hallway was nothing like the room. Underground, dark, peeling wallpaper, lit by a naked lightbulb every so often. He was moving much faster than what you would've thought he could. He flung open the door and people were yelling behind you. "Do you trust me?" he asked again. "We have to get Sam, or I'm not going," you said, stopping. The men got closer, but you didn't budge. "You will die!" he insisted, pulling on your arm. "I don't care," you said stubborly. He rolled his eyes, but turned the other way and pulled you up to his chest to hide. They ran past you. 

"Come on, hurry up. This is stupid and risky and reckless," murmured Jem. He flung a door open and Sam was slumped on the floor, covered in blood and bruises. "Sammy, you're okay, I'm here," you whisper-yelled, running to him. He was limp in your arms, but you strained to carry his weight. It nearly killed you, but you stumbled along with his arm around your shoulder and one hand on his waist. More men came running towards you, so you ran faster. Jem was muttering something, but you were focused on not falling under Sam's weight. Another door opened, you kicked it closed on the woman coming out, and ran on. "Faster, (Y/n), come on," you motivated. Jem opened the door for you and Sam's eyes opened groggily. "(Y/n)?" he whispered weakly. "Sammy, hey! Come on, try and walk with me, we gotta go fast," you instructed. He looked confused, but did as he was told. Right as Sam was able to walk on his own, Gabriel came into view with one hand on John and the other on Dean. "DEAN! GABRIEL!" you screamed as Sam let go of you and stumbled towards them. 

Gabriel was mouthing something, and his wings were standing high. The Winchester's had stopped to stare, but someone grabbing your throat made you stop. "Let her go, brother," said Gabriel, suddenly in front of you. Something cold touched your throat, digging in gently. You winced in pain. "You can have me instead, just... just let her go," Gabriel pleaded. He was so different from normal, his voice full of emotion and his eyes brimming with tears. "Jamaerah," he said softly. The blade dug in deeper and warmth seeped out down your neck. "Don't touch her!" yelled Dean, running forawrd. The thing swiped across your neck and you felt nothing.

You started to fall to the ground right as Dean threw the angel blade you had given to him. It hit the target behind you and you both fell together. Gabriel ran forwards, pulling you into his lap. "DAMNIT IT!" he yelled. "Heal her!" demanded Dean. "I-I can't. It's an angel blade cut. I can't do anything but try to make her comfortable until..." he faded off, his head dipping to kiss you passionately. "(y/n), I love you, I love you, I love you, and I never wanted it to be like this, but I love you," he said quietly, his voice breaking. A tear fell onto your face and you smiled weakly. "I'm not dying, Gabey. I'll be around forever, Dean. Tell Sam--College if he wants. Keep him and John-- safe. Gabriel, I-I lo--" You coughed and the light faded from around everyone until the light was only on Gabriel.

You tried to finish it, but it would only be heard in your mind.

Yes, end? No, end? Who killed you? What happens? Does God love you enough to raise you alive? Or does Gabriel keep you to himself in Heaven? TELL ME WHAT TO DO, MY FRELLAWS. Keep going? Comment!

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