The Rains of Castamere

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"Nothing can help you but me, love. Come on back, I'll forgive you and then you can sleep. Truthfully, in my arms, but sleep is sleep, right? Come on, stop being so dramatic. Gabriel's not in the way anymore, is he?" said Lucifer, squatting to be level with your face. You spat at him. Of course, it did nothing, but piss him off, but he slapped you, and you felt it, alright. "Alright, now we can have a little fun until you decide you've had enough and come back," smirked Lucifer, pulling a shining knife out of his jacket. "Don't touch me," you said through gritted teeth. "Oh, you won't be saying that eventually," he said with a wink, drawing closer. You went to open the door, but now he was behind you with handcuffs. "I had other plans for these, but it'll work for now." He grabbed your arms, dragging you back and cuffing you to the piping behind the toilet. "Stop!" you screamed, kicking out at him. It didn't do anything but make him grin. He took one of your legs in his and flicked the knife in a quick upward motion, slicing your skin in a deep manner. You bit the inside of your mouth and screamed for help.

 "Dean, Sam! Gabe! Castiel!" you screamed. With every word that fell from your mouth, another slice reaching higher on your thighs. "Oh, they can't help what's not real, love," said Lucifer, shushing you. There was pounding on the other side of the door and a flutter of wings. A patch of black hair and a tan trench coat was seen from the other side and you attempted to reach out to him. Castiel walked through Lucifer to capture your face and Lucifer hopped up on the sink counter to watch you struggle. "Cas, touch me," you begged. At that moment, Dean unlocked the door and came busting through. His eyes were full of rage at the words he heard. Cas tilted his head, but grazed his finger tips along your face. You didn't feel the usual pass of his warm grace, but the handcuffs disappeared along with the bleeding cuts. You flung yourself at him and he actually fell backwards with you clinging to him like a child. "(Y/n), why did you want me to touch you? I didn't even heal you from anything," he inquired. You took a few other ragged breathes before separation yourself from him.

"What the hell, (Y/n)?" demanded Dean. "I'm sorry," you said quietly. "It speaks!" Dean yelled sarcastically. You flinched at his tone, remembering the harsh way Gabriel had treated you. "Dean, maybe you shouldn't--" started Sam, but Dean kept going. "You don't talk to me even after everything I try to do, you hardly know Cas and you're on the ground mewling for him, and forget Gabriel! Am I just the grunt to you? Jesus Christ, I though you were different! That ass angel is done spoiling you if I have anything to do with it! Then all you say is you're sorry? The hell did Gabriel do to you!" he raged. "He left her. More aptly, made her leave him. Something about rejecting him, the face of truth disregarded for some reason. He does not want anything to do with her anymore," said Castiel simply. You stared at Dean, your eyes hardened and full of anger. 

His mouth dropped open slightly and he was flustered. "(Y/n), I'm sorry, I shouldn't have--" "Then all you have to say is you're sorry?" you snarled, throwing his words back at him before pushing past him and dragging Sam with you. Dean and Cas stood staring at the floor and then at each other. "I messed up big time, didn't I?" said Dean after a while. "If you mean you have significantly damaged yours and (Y/n)'s relationship, then yes, you have 'messed up big time', Dean," he said, using his air quotes. Dean frowned and said, "Should I try and fix it? I can gain her back, things will be back to the way they were, right?" asked Dean in a small voice. "I do not know, Dean." Dean sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair. "I'm gonna fix this, I will."

"He has no right to say those things to me! And like he has a hand in what I do with my love life and who I date or screw! He's just another guy for God's sake! Okay, so maybe not just another guy, but still. Why does he say such horrible things? Every time," you yell-whispered, pacing the room you'd settled on for ranting to Sam. Lucifer still wasn't there, much to your relief. "I know, he shouldn't have said that. He's just worried about you is all. I am, too, y'know. Worried about you, that is. You were screaming like someone was doing something to you and the minute we come through the door, we hear you telling Cas to touch you, which out of context kinda sounds... weird," he said, patting the edge of the bed next to him. You collapsed next to him and shut your eyes. "I'm baaaack!" sang Lucifer's voice. You groaned and pushed the palms of your hands into your eyes. "Are you going to tell me what happened? You don't have to, but it might help. You'll end up telling me one way or another," Sam suggested. You shook your head and turned on your side to put your stomach to Sam's back. 

"Do you want to listen to some music?" Sam asked when you stayed silent for a while. You nodded and he left the room to get his iPod. "Alone at last. Well, five minutes is too long. You might fall asleep and we can't have that," pestered Lucifer, poking you in the side until you rolled off the bed. Sam came back in and threw you a judgmental look when he saw you curled up on the floor moaning like a dying cow. "Get on the bed, loser, we're going music-ing," he said with a forced smile. You did as he told and threw your arms about his shoulders, resting your chin on his broad shoulder. "Pick your poison," he said, passing it to you. "A Capella or Game of Thrones?" you inquired when you got down to it. "Both. Peter Hollens, 'Rains of Castamere'. It's good," he said, pointing to a song. You clicked it and let the music flood your ears. It was beautiful, soothing, and would have put you to sleep had Lucifer not been as obnoxious as a two year old. 

And the first 24 hours of sleep deprivation begins.

Two thousand. Nah, I'm dead now. That's crazy, y'all! Oh my Chuck, literally no words. But maybe thanks? Well, here's to the next two thousand. I'd love it if y'all would send me some ideas for something new or jazz like that. I've got another twenty or so chapters planned if you'd read? Oh, and seriously, listen to that "The Rains of Castamere" song, it's been the soundtrack for the last three chapters and all the time in between. It's goodie. Okay, I'm rambling. Bye, guys, and thank you endlessly for the comments that make my day, the faithful readers I can count on to brighten my life, the votes, and the reads. From my humble abode to yours, live long and prosper, fellow nerds! <3

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