Get Out Of My Head

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He had been there ever since you got in the room. He talked and talked and was so in the way, but no one else saw him and when you looked at him, they'd ask you what you were looking at. So there he was, a projection, a hallucination. "So are you going to ignore me or what? Come on, play with me, (Y/n)! I'm bored!" he whined. You glazed over at him, the turned into Sam's chest, snuggling deeper into the blanket. "Please, keep reading," you requested. Sam nodded and kept on. You focused on Sam's voice and let yourself drift away from Lucifer's poking, prodding voice.

Dreams floated through your head of blond hair and blue eyes and wide, white wings burnt around the tips and pain and so tired, so tired. You were running and sprinting, trying to get away from the laughing man you once trusted. Begging him to stop as he pushed himself onto you time after time. The tears leaked through your dreams into reality and Sam felt the warm wetness soaking through his shirt and woke up to find you squirming and groaning like you were in pain. He shook you and even woke Dean in his frantic to awaken you, but nothing worked. Finally after twenty minutes of shaking you, you sat straight up and cried for someone who was long gone. You turned into Dean's arms when you realized you were back in reality. "Tell us," said Sam gently. 

"Yeah, (Y/n), tell us!" urged the voice you knew to be Lucifer. "Please go away," you begged at Lucifer. "You want us to leave?" asked Dean, the hurt in his voice painfully obvious. "No! Don't go, not you. I need Gabriel, can you-- can you call him?" you asked in between sobs. "Why don't you?" questioned Sam. When you didn't reply, Sam did what you asked. Gabriel was there right after you blinked and you sighed, sagging in Dean's tight hold. Dean passed you off to Gabriel, his hands lingering on the small of your back a tad longer than normal. "I'll be back, I swear. He can't get me. Just one night," you comforted. You reached out and squeezed Sam's hand, then Gabriel whisked you off to his place.

You dropped yourself out of his grip and went towards the bed, feeling your heart drop out of your chest when you saw Lucifer leaning against the wall. "So why the sudden change of mind?" asked Gabriel, coming up behind you and rubbing his hands up and down you arms. "I missed you. Besides, I want to cuddle with someone and I didn't think you'd be too happy to find me tangled up in Winchester," you said after a minute. You didn't know why you were lying to him. Perhaps because he was Lucifer's brother. "You're right about that, princess," he said, the smirk on his face leaking into his voice.

One of his hands grabbed you under the knees and he swept you up a close bridal-style hold. "Oh, he's so strong!" swooned Lucifer sarcastically. You ignored him and rubbed you nose against Gabriel's. He pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss, letting everything he felt for you come crashing down in one motion. His hands didn't move, just stayed tracing circles around the back of your knee. "Keep this up, I'll have to do something about the tightness in my crotch, (Y/n)," piped up Lucifer, but you ignored him. 

"I love you, (Y/n)," mumbled Gabriel between kisses. You sighed  your response and he grinned into the kiss. "I missed those pretty little noises, sugar. Let's see how many I can get out of you," teased Gabriel with one last kiss. Now his hands were firmly planted on your ass and he moved to lay you down on the bed. Once he had covered you with his body, he peppered you face with gentle kisses, descending in a trail down you neck and to your collarbone, which he payed special attention to. 

"God, Gabe is lucky, ain't he? It ought to be doing those things, you know," said Lucifer. You heard a zipper unzipped and you remembered Lucifer was still there. At least, to you. "Gabey, not tonight," you whispered, lowering your eyes. His eyes fell, saying, "Why? What's the matter?" He lowered you back onto the bed and cupped your face with his hands. "I'm not in the mood," you lied. Of course, he saw through it, but he didn't push.

"You know you can tell me if something is wrong, right, sweetums?" he said lightly. He reached out to graze a delicate finger gently down the back of your arm, but you pulled away sharply. "I know, just leave it be, Gabe," you mumbled, pulling the covers up closer to your chin. When he made another move to touch you, you spun around and spat, "Don't fucking touch me, okay? I don't need you treating me like a child just because you're apparently better than me in every way and I sure as hell don't need you hovering over me like a therapist." The minute it was out of your mouth, you clapped a hand over your mouth, but it seemed to be too late.

You reached over to hug him from behind as an apology, but he pulled away. "Gabriel, please don't be mad at me," you pleaded. He flipped over and looked at you. "Don't lie to me, (Y/n). I don't ask for much. Just that you just don't lie to me, especially after everything we've been through," he grumbled before flipping over again. You turned over as well, looking at Lucifer's smirk. "Oh, don't be mad at me, sweet cheeks, this is what you get. If I can't have you, no one can," he said. Snapping his fingers, a thick book appeared in his hands. 

"Mr. and Mrs. Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much," began Lucifer in a loud, obnoxiously high voice. He laughed a horrible laugh and screamed the words even louder. You turned back to Gabriel's clothed back and sighed. Reaching out again, you closed your eyes tightly to stop the tears when he recoiled again. 

"Gabey, please..." you begged, scooting closer until your chest touched him. "My name is Gabriel, Miss (Y/l/n). And I think it is high time you leave if my brother had such an impression on you. Leave. The door's right there," he said flatly. You sat up, shocked at his words. "Gabe, what do you mean? You aren't--" "Gabriel!" he roared, getting up and dragging you to the door. "No, Gabe, stop, please!" you cried, holding onto him with everything you had.

"Goodbye, (Y/n)," he said before slamming the door behind you. You pounded on the door and let the tears fall freely. "Gabriel, please! Please!" you sobbed, letting your fists go with every word. You weren't even in Gabriel's apartment anymore. You were just outside Bobby's junkyard. "Harsh landing, eh? You're welcome to come back to me, y'know. A little punishment might ensue, though," said Lucifer with a saucy wink.

"Gabe... I love you..."

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