chapter 3

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   "Happy birthday" Melodi heard everyone say as she reached the bottom of the spiral staircase. Melodi was very stunning. She had on this amazing white thigh length tight fitted dress. It had a V opening that stopped at the top of her belly button that was out lined with little Crystals. Her breast was sitting up perfect thanks to the double sided tape. On her feet she rocked a pair of Louboutin Strass Crystal high heels with the red bottoms. Her hair was pulled back in the most neatest ponytail that was flat ironed straight to the bone. Her makeup was flawless it was so natural. On her lips she rocked a red color from Guerlain's KissKiss Gold and Diamonds lipstick the most expensive lipstick in the world. In her ear she rocked a pair of stunning diamond earrings.

She looked so expensive. Melodi greeted everyone as she made her way to the backyard. The pool was made into the dance floor. The backyard was amazing. There was a big Crystaled down sign that read forever 21. Her cake was all white With crystals surrounding all four layers.

"Thank you so much mom and dad this is amazing." Melodi said hugging her parents.

"Your welcome sweetie it's all for you."

Melodi was really enjoying herself. The party had been going on for about forty-five minutes when she spotted Rico,Shawn,Rashawd and the pretty Vanessa walk in the backyard. Vanessa was walking hand in hand with Rashawd. It made Melodi feel some type of way but she quickly brushed it off when she seen how fine Rico was looking.

Making her way through the crowd she finally made her way to them. Not making eye contact with Rashawd. She hugged Rico very seductively.

"Damn girl you look amazing" Rico complimented Melodi as she did a spin for the four.

"Thanks and you don't look so bad yourself."

"you really look stunning" Melodi heard Vanessa say. Turning her head and her direction Melodi sweetly said thanks. Rashawd on the other hand acted as if Melodi didn't exist. Melodi wonder why he was acting that way but didn't ask. Melodi led Rico to the dance floor as body party by ciara blasted through the speakers. Grinding herself on Rico. Melodi was eying Rashawd. Letting him know that this was all for him. Bending over Melodi rotated her ass on Rico's private area. Not taking her eyes off Rashawd Melodi rubbed her hands slightly up her dress. Rashawd was enjoying the show because he knew it was for him. Melodi was making Rashawd hard he wanted Melodi bad and his mouth watered for her. Ending her little sexual dance with a seductive kiss with Rico the same one she shared with Rashawd. But the same feelings wasn't there the ones she felt with Rashawd was a lot stronger more powerful. Walking off the dance floor hand in hand with Rico Melodi gave Rashawd a wink. Rashawd couldn't help the way Melodi made him feel. The girl had him beyond weak and they only shared a kiss.

Sitting at the table with Rico as they talked about the dance they just performed Melodi couldn't stop thinking about Rashawd. A few minutes later Rashawd and Vanessa made their way to the table that Melodi and Rico shared. Rashawd sat right by Melodi. Melodi's parents put together a show with amazing dancers. Everyone took their seats as the show started. Five minutes into the show Melodi got sidetracked by the kiss her and Rashawd shared. Melodi knew she had to do something. Thinking about Rashawd touching her made Melodi high. Reaching under the table she grabbed Rashawd hand. Watching his face expression of confusion Melodi smiled a little. Moving Rashawd's hand off his lap and onto her thigh Melodi tugged at Rashawd pants. Rashawd had no clue on what to do. Melodi was playin with his mind. Taking Rashawd hands and moving her thong to the side Melodi placed his index finger and pointing fingers on her pussy tongue. When Melodi felt Rashawd fingers flick at her opening Melodi gasp making Rico look her way.

"You straight" Rico asked.

Bitten her bottom lip she nodded. When Rico turned his attention back to the show Melodi's eyes rolled in the back of her head as Rashawd brung pleasure to her body. clenching her legs together Melodi grabbed Rashawd wrist. Melodi couldn't handle the pleasure that Rashawd was giving to her. Trying to pull Rashawd hands from her private area before she nuts Rashawd wouldn't move them. Melodi had started this so he wanted to finish. Rashawd wanted to make Melodi cum and he wanted her to cum hard. Rashawd wanted to warn Melodi on what she was getting herself into. Rubbing her clit in slow motion Rashawd stared into Melodi's eyes. He could see that his fingers was doing Melodi good. Melodi wanted to cry because it felt so good. Playing with the tongue a little while longer Melodi came and she came hard she let out a moan as she came down from her high. No one didn't hear Melodi because they were to busy standing up clapping. The only one heard her was Rashawd. Looking at Melodi Rashawd smiled and whispered in her ear "Be careful what you get yourself into". Kissing her ear Rashawd got up and joined the others standing and clapping. Melodi was to weak to stand. Rashawd was something that Melodi needed and wanted. 

"Why are you crying" Rico asked as every one took their seats. Melodi didn't realize she had tears in her eyes.

"Just happy that's all." Melodi said lying looking at Rashawd. Melodi knew it was the powerful pleasure that Rashawd just gave her that had tears in her eyes. Melodi had started something but it was to late to turn back because Melodi's body was feenin for more.



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