chapter 19 (The final Chapter)

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  Jerald's face had every angry expression on it you could possibly imagine.

"I'm going to step out this room and give y'all five minutes to get dressed." Jerald said as he walked out the room.

"Melodi why didn't you tell me your dad would be coming home?" Rashawd asked as he grabbed his pants.

"Because I didn't think I need to." Melodi said still laying down. She really didn't care that her dad had just walked in. She was over the bull.

"Why you still laying down Melodi get up and get dressed."

"Rashawd ain't nobody stun Jerald. I'm grown. Give me my shorts."

"Here man and chill. Its about respect Mel." Rashawd said throwing Melodi her shorts.

"Rashawd don't get knocked the fuck out." Melodi said putting on her shorts

"Melodi yo ass can not whoop me. I don't know who told you, you could but they lied."

"Wateva give me kiss" Melodi said laughing.

"Girl what is wrong with you why you taking yo daddy for a joke."

"Rashawd give me kiss." Melodi said once more poking out her lips.

Rashawd did as he was told and gave his girl a kiss.

"I love you Rashawd."

"I love you to Melodi."

"Lets go hear what he gotta say." Melodi said walking out the room with Rashawd dead on her trail.

Walking into the living room they found Jerald sitting on the couch with his face all frowned up.

"What's up dad what's going on?"

  Melodi said as if she didn't get caught sleeping with Rashawd. Rashawd just looked at Melodi and shook his head. She was clearly trying her father and making things much worse.

"Look man I know what we did wasn't cool and it was mad disrespectful but..." Rashawd couldn't even finish his sentence Jerald leaned forward and punched him dead in the mouth.

Rashawd football tackled Jerald on to the glass table causing it to shatter underneath them. Rashawd started laying blows on Jerald. Flipping Rashawd over Jerald now had the upper hand Jerald was beating the hell out of Rashawd. But only because Rashawd wasn't fighting back. Rashawd felt bad about what had happened and he knew if he wanted to he could whoop Jerald. Rashawd was much stronger then Jerald and could easily beat him.

"Chill the fuck out what the fuck is wrong with y'all." Melodi said pushing her father off Rashawd and helping Rashawd up.

"I'm cool Melodi"

"No you're not look at your face and I bought that damn table and y'all just broke it. Dad you had no right putting yo hands on him. Yes I'm fuckin Rashawd yes I'm in love with him. All this shit ain't even called for. "

"Melodi who the fuck do you think you're talkin to. I'm your fuckin father. You have become so disrespectful. This man is ten times your damn age."

"Anndd age ain't shit but a number. I'm so tired of you and mom trying to pinpoint shit I do but Neva fuckin explain y'all wrong doing. Listen I know Rashawd is yo friend and all but I'm not apologizing for falling in love with him. I'm sorry you had to see it but it is what it is." Melodi said as she stood between the two breathless men.

"Jerald look man I'm sorry but I love this girl. I know I crossed the line but it was hard to stay away from her. We wanted to tell you but we couldn't find the right time."

"So y'all decided to tell me today"

"We ain't tell you, You seen it." Melodi said she was making both her dad and Rashawd mad. She was so nonchalant about the situation.

"Mel baby chill!"

"Rashawd please don't tell me to fuckin chill. Shit happens ol fuckin well. Him and mom damn sho ain't give a fuck about my feelings when they kept that secret from me. And dad sho nuff ain't give a fuck about mom's feelings when he slept with Nina three months ago. So fuck anything he gotta say. Don't explain shit else to him. I'm done." Melodi said. Both Jerald and Rashawd got quiet when she laid the bombshell about her father and Nina.

"Jerald you slept with Nina?" Rashawd asked in total shock.

Jerald couldn't say anything has his head hung low.

"Melodi I'm sorry." Jerald said.

"Please save it. Don't apologize to me mom the one needs the apology. Y'all have some serious issues that y'all need to handle. But I'm done here I have nothing else to say to you matter of fact you can take Mom her things I'm not going anymore. Rashawd I love you and I'll call you later." Melodi said as she kissed Rashawd goodbye.

"Melodi wait!" her dad called out.

"What!" Melodi said crying.

"I'm sorry it wasn't meant to happen I was drunk." Jerald went to explain but Melodi stopped him.

"Save it dad people make mistakes. And Rashawd...Dad don't be angry with him he wanted to stop seeing me but I wouldn't let him. We fell in love and he stole my heart. He's a good friend. You can't control your feelings. I still love you dad but you know you was wrong. I'm not going to tell mom I know you will when the time is right." Melodi said as she hugged her dad good bye.

Melodi knew this was going to be her last time seeing them for awhile. She had told Rashawd she would leave tomorrow but her plane to Cali was leaving in three hours.


@ ExoticLuv_you

   Okay Okay Okay this book is finally over!!!!  and part two is on it's way! So keep calm Shit Is about to get real!  In part two there will be more of Rico Vanessa and Nina. Part two has mad drama! 

Anyway I really enjoyed writing this book. It was so much fun!

I would like to know your thoughts about this book so if you guys could please comment or maybe inbox me I'll appreciate it.! 

  Oan: I was thinking about releasing book two in February but if you guys can reach 200votes &'d 50 comments I'll release it sooner.

Anywayzzzzz add me on Kik  @ ExoticMangoDoll



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