chapter 12

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"Melodi baby are you ok? You haven't said a word all day. Is something bothering you?" Melodi father asked as they sat at the dinner table at Melodi's parents home. It has been two weeks since Melodi caught Rico with Vanessa and not yet did she tell her father about it.

"Yes dad I'm fine I just have a hungry headache that's all. Can we eat?" Melodi asked as she watched her mom place the dish onto the table.

"Baby can you get the door its Rashawd I invited him over to dinner when I seen him at the store today."

Melodi watched as her dad got up to get the door. Melodi haven't seen Rashawd since the day she called him Rico by accident. Rashawd kept calling Melodi after that but she would ignore his calls. She didn't want to be bother yet alone tempted to sleep with Rashawd because she knew if she did. It would only be to get satisfaction about what Rico had done to her not because she was attracted to him. Melodi feelings she had for Rashawd was completely gone when she fell deep for Rico.

  "Thanks Yosha for inviting me to dinner. It was really good."  Rashawd said handing Yosha the empty plate.

"Thank you Rashawd and anytime." She said as she picked up everyone else plate. "I hope you guys aren't full I made strawberry cheesecake."

"I think I have room left"  Rashawd said rubbing his stomach.

"Rashawd how's Vanessa and the baby?" Jerald asked which made Melodi choke on her water.

"You okay baby?" Yosha asked sitting the cheesecake on the table.

"Yea I'm sorry it went down the wrong pipe."

"So did y'all decided on a baby name yet?"

"Me and Vanessa are not together that's something you're going to have to ask Ric-" Melodi kicked him up under the table cutting him off. Rashawd looked at her like she was crazy and was about to apologize but it was to late because Melodi dad had already caught on.

"What you mean y'all ain't together and ask Rico?" Jerald said placing his elbow on the table.

"Nothing daddy he didn't mean to say Rico's name"

"Mel what's going on and don't lie to me."

"I said nothing! Its nothing okay just let it be!" Melodi yelled as she got up from the table. Her emotions had got the best of her and it was showing.

   "You betta lower your damn voice in my house. I asked you a damn question so I except an answer!" Jerald yelled getting up from the table Waiting on Melodi's response but she said nothing. "NOW MELODI!" Jerald's scream caused Yosha to jump.

"Melodi caught Vanessa and Rico together and Rico might be the father of Vanessa's baby." Rashawd shared causing everyone to look his way.

"I hate you Rashawd!" Melodi said running upstairs into her old bedroom.

Everyone just stood there in silence for about five minutes until Jerald decided to go upstairs.

"Melodi?... Baby girl?" Melodi father called out as he entered her room and shut the door.

Melodi just looked at her father and burst into tears.

"Baby I'm so sorry you had to go through that." Jerald held Melodi as she cried into his arms.

"Daddy I loved him and he betrayed me." Melodi cried looking into her father eyes. It hurt him to see her that way.

"I know baby girl. I promise I'll handle him."

"Daddy no! That's why I didn't want to tell you. I'm not a baby anymore I can handle it myself."

"Fine Melodi. But if I continue seeing you cry and mope like this Rico and I are going to have a deadly talk. Understand!?" Jerald said kissing her on the forehead and walking towards her door to open it.

"What's up man?"

"Can I talk to Melodi for a second?" Rashawd said stepping in.

"Of course I'll be downstairs" her dad said leaving the room.

Rashawd shut the door as he walked over to the bed.

"Mel look I'm sorry. I didn't mean to just bring that up like I did. But he is your father. He has the right to know." Melodi didn't say a word she just sat there with a blank look.


"What! Rashawd. I heard you." Melodi said.

"Well then look at me."

"I hear with my ears not my eyes. I DONT need to look at you."

"Melodi why haven't you returned my calls?" Rashawd asked as he sat next to her on the bed.

"I don't know I've been busy." Melodi lied.

"Stop lyin. Why were you avoiding me?"

"Rashawd because I'm not into you anymore the feelings are not there, and I know if I would have answered you would have came over. And the void I'm feeling it would have led me to have sex with you. And I don't want to do that if its not because I want to." Melodi said telling nothing but the truth.

Rashawd was kinda hurt when Melodi said she wasn't feelin him. Because with him it was the total opposite. He had feelings for Melodi and showed interest in her.

"I'm sorry Rashawd bu- Melodi was cut off when she felt Rashawd soft lips against hers. Rashawd pulled Melodi close to him as he tongued her down.

Melodi kissed him back passionately as his hands roamed her body. Melodi heart filled with butterflies as she moaned in his mouth. Melodi squeezed her legs together as she creamed her panties from a mini orgasm she had just had.

Rashawd pulled Melodi's legs apart as he rubbed alone the wet spot in her panties.

"Stop fooling yourself Melodi you're not over me and I'm not over you. I'll be over at your place later on tonight." Rashawd said as he pecked her on the lips.

Melodi was stuck. Here she was telling this man she wasn't feelin him. And all he did was kiss her to bring those feelings that she thought was gone back. And this time they were a bit stronger!

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