Chapter 4

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Getting out the shower Melodi tied her hair up into a loose bun. Throwing on some short Betty Boop night shorts with the matching shirt. Melodi went down stairs. Her mom and dad had already left to go on they trip and Rashawd haven't showed yet so Melodi called Rico over. Sitting on the couch eating a Hershey Melodi heard the doorbell. Getting up to answer Melodi knew it was Rico. But to her surprise once again it was Rashawd.

"Hey" Melodi said in a dry way.

"What's up" Rashawd said walking in. There was a little tention between the two.

Melodi closed the door behind him and went to sit back down. Melodi sat on the couch watching tv for about ten minutes ignoring Rashawd as he did the same. Hearing the doorbell ring Melodi got up to get it. Opening the door it was Rico looking fine like always. Hugging and kissing him Melodi pulled him into the house. The way Rashawd looked he was pissed jealous and hurt at the same time.

"I missed you" Melodi said letting go of Rico's neck.

"I miss you to ma. What's up Rashawd?" Rico said giving Rashawd a hand shake. Rashawd knew he had to be cool because Rico had nothing to do with this it was Melodi who was playing this childish game. Pulling Rico upstairs Melodi left Rashawd all alone.

"How was your day" Rico asked her as they laid up under each other.

"it was great daddy kinda made me mad because he got Rashawd babysitting me like I'm a damn child or something."

"Mel it's not that bad Rashawd is cool believe me you can trust him. And ya dad just got him here to keep an eye on you not to babysit knowing Rashawd he probably ain't gonna be here that often anyway because of Vanessa."

Hearing Vanessa name made Melodi a little mad in the inside knowing that Rashawd be with her every night Melodi didn't like that.

"Yea wateva"

"Ayye baby I have to go something came up" Rico said looking at his phone.

"Rico no you just got here!"

"I know Mel I'm sorry I'll be back" Rico said putting on his shoes.

"Wateva Rico" Melodi said with a small little attitude.

"Go watch a movie with your babysitter" Rico said making a joke.

"That's not funny so shut up!"

Walking downstairs Melodi walked Rico to the door. Giving him a kiss Melodi went and sat on the couch. Melodi thought Rashawd was sleeping until she heard the bathroom door open. Coming out the bathroom in some basketball shorts and shirtless. Melodi almost fainted. Seeing the water dripping from Rashawd's chest Melodi instantly got wet. Melodi watched as Rashawd walked over and sat next to her. Melodi couldn't control herself around him so she got up and went to her room. Taking off her shorts and shirt Melodi got in bed with just a bra and a pink laced thong. Turning on her tv Melodi flipped through the channels as her room door came open.

"What you mad at me or something?" Rashawd asked standing at the entrance of the door.

Waiting for Melodi to respond which she didn't. So Rashawd made his way to her bed and sat down.

Looking at Melodi he repeated his answer once again

"Mel are you upset with me or something."

Not looking at Rashawd Melodi simply answered No.

"So why did you come in your room and when I first came you gave me a dry hey"

"Rashawd I'm not made at you I'm just sleepy"

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