chapter 5

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Waking up in Rashawd's arms Melodi felt good but she knew what went down last night was not suppose to happen. She was dating Rico and she was laid up with his BestFriend but not only his her dads as well. But Melodi couldn't help the way her body felt when she was around Rashawd. She was weak for him and no matta what she did Rashawd would be on her mind.

Getting out of bed and going into the bathroom Melodi creeped quietly so she wouldn't wake Rashawd. Stepping into the shower Melodi turned on the hot shower and let the water hit her body. She washed her body covering herself with dove body wash. Melodi was enjoying her shower until she found herself thinking about the night she just had with Rashawd. Letting out little moans Melodi massaged herself between her legs. After pleasuring herself for about thirty minutes. Melodi turned off the shower and stepped out the tub.

  Melodi was walking down stairs when she noticed Vanessa sitting on Rashawd's lap. Melodi was furious. She hated seeing them together.

"Oh hey Melodi" Vanessa said turning her attention towards Melodi.

"Hey Vanessa"

"How's Rashawd treating you he's not to boring is he?"

"Who Rashawd ohh no I enjoy having him around he's very fun" Melodi said as she went to grab a banana off the counter.

"That's good" Vanessa said laying her head in Rashawd's lap. Melodi rolled her eyes as she sat on the couch next to them.

Rashawd watched as Melodi ate her banana when Melodi caught him looking at her she decided to give him a little show. Rashawd watched as she took the banana deep into her mouth and watched as she pulled out slowly. Licking the head of the banana Melodi rubbed her hands over her clit. Rashawd almost choked when he seen how wet she was getting. Rashawd bit his lips trying so hard to keep calm but Melodi was making it so hard. Sitting the banana on the stand next to her Melodi popped out one of her boobs and began to suck on it. Rashawd was on rock hard and Melodi knew it. Melodi was playin with Rashawd and he didn't like it one bit.

"Rashawd baby your dick is hard" Vanessa said sitting up. By that time Melodi boobs were back in her tank top and her legs were closed.

"Aww shit my bad" Rashawd said he was so embarrassed.

"You wanna go take care of that?" Vanessa asked rubbing on his thigh. Melodi had shot him an evil look letting him know he betta not fuck her. So Rashawd declined.

"Naw baby thanks though I'm kinda tired maybe some other time." He said kissing Vanessa which made Melodi pissed. Melodi got up and stormed out the living room.

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