chapter 16

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  Rashawd and Melodi broke free from the kiss to turn around and see Melodi's mom in total shock.

"Mom" Melodi froze as she waited for a response. She knew there was no other way to explain this. Here she was caught with a man who's 10x older then her and not only that her mom and dad good friend.

"Yosha I'm sorr-

"DONT even! Melodi I'm so disappointed in you! Did I not raise you right or something?" Yosha said putting her hand up cutting off Rashawd's apology.

"Mom I'm sorry but Rashawd and I are together. I love him and yes you raised me right. Both you and dad. You thought me what a real man actually is. And Rashawd is beyond that."

"Melodi how long has this been going on?"

"since the- Melodi cut her sentence short when her father walked in the kitchen.

"What's going on here why everybody look like they seen a ghost?" Jerald asked sipping on his beverage.

  Melodi looked at her mom hoping she didn't say anything. And Yosha knew if she had, Jerald and Rashawd would be gettin' down right now and with her boss and other important people at the baby shower she had to save this for another time.

"Nothing we were talkin about her going to Cali." Yosha lied shooting both Melodi and Rashawd an evil look.

  " Yea I told her she can go. She's right she haven't done anything to disappoint us. We can trust her." Jerald said as he smiled at Melodi.

Melodi felt so bad about keeping a big secret.

  "Dad it's something I have to tell you."

"What is it baby?"

"Dad I know you're going to hate-

"Aww shit! Yosha screamed grabbing her stomach.

"Baby are you OK?"

  "Mom what's wrong?"

"nothing baby its not the right time" Yosha said squeezing Melodi hand to let her know she was talkin about her.

"Baby maybe you need to lay down."

"yea me too. Melodi can you let the guess know it's time to leave that I'm not feeling well. Let them know ill talk to them tomorrow." Yosha said throwing Melodi another hint. Melodi knew her mom wasn't done talking to her,and sooner or later her dad will find out.



"Are you Sleep?" Melodi asked as she laid on Rashawd chest.

"Yes Melodi it's three in the morning you should be sleep to."

"I can't " Melodi whinnied as she sat up in the bed. Melodi mind was full of thoughts.

"Why baby?"

"Because she caught us Rashawd."

"Melodi I know that but it was eitha then or later. Come on baby get some rest. I'm mad sleepy and you keeping me up."

Melodi laid back down trying to make herself sleep but her mind was doing to much wondering that it was keeping her up.

It's was going on four in the morning when Rashawd went to go use the bathroom.

  Coming out the bathroom Rashawd noticed Melodi was still up.

"Mel have you been to sleep yet?" Keeping her eyes on the ceiling Melodi just shook her head no.

Rashawd hated when Melodi let things bother her. So he decided to go down on her to help her ease her mind.

"Rashawd what are you doing." Melodi asked as she watched Rashawd pull down her panties.

"just lay still" Rashawd said as he went to work on her treasure box.

  Staying still was hard for Melodi to do when Rashawd was down below, but it did help her relax and fifteen minutes later Melodi was lightly snoring wrapped in Rashawd's arms with his hand between her legs.

  "Rashawd why did you have to go after my daughter out of all people?" Yosha asked Rashawd as the three sat in Melodi's living room.

"I didn't go after your daughter."

"Jerald is your BestFriend how could you do something like this! And Melodi this man is to damn old for you! This gonna stop Now!  Its wrong and not right at all!" Yosha screamed as she got out her seat.

  "I'm grown what me and Rashawd got going on is going to continue to go on until I wanted to end! And Rashawd is right he didn't come on to me I came on to him! And DONT for once think you and dad is perfect!  because y'all not!  We all got secrets don't we!" Melodi screamed back at her mom.

"Aye Melodi chill don't disrespect your mom" Rashawd said grabbing Melodi's arm but she snatched away.

"Melodi have you lost your mind! Watch how you talk to me."

"Cut the bullshit ma! Really I'm so damn tired of holding this shit in!" Melodi said as tears rolled down her cheek.

"Mel what are you talkin about?"  her mom asked.

"Yea Melodi what's going on?" Rashawd asked.

"Rashawd you have no clue do you?" Melodi asked Rashawd she watched as he shook his head no.

"That it was a possibility that Jerald wasn't my daddy!" Melodi yelled.

"Excuse me!? What the fuck is you talkin about?" Rashawd asked

"Oh Rashawd please I know my daddy tell you every damn thing so don't sit up here like you didn't know. And Yosha when was you and Jerald gonna share the news with me.!"

"Baby I'm sorry."

"Ma please save it! "

"And dad thinking he just Mr so damn perfect!  I can't wait to he find out! And you better not even tell him!" Melodi said looking at her Mom.


   "Ma you can leave now we're done talking." Melodi said going to her room. Melodi was holding this in for a long time. She couldn't believe her parents could keep something that important away from her. It still made her feel some type of way that he couldn't have been her father and it took her awhile to get over it.


Ohhhhh kill'em!!! lol this chapter is the fu'kin bomb!!!! that was a big ass secret! 

Anyway give me 15 comments 20 votes and y'all can get the next chapter!

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