chapter 11

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Rico's POV


   Rico knew he fucked up big time. He never wanted to hurt Melodi but him and Vanessa was in an on again off again secret relationship before Melodi even came in the picture.

   When Rico met Melodi for the first time him and Vanessa wasn't together. So he figured if he dated Melodi him and Vanessa would stop fooling around but that didn't happen.

   He loved Melodi to death but he wasn't in love with her. And when it came to Vanessa he was madly in love but he didn't love her.

Rico was young when him and Vanessa met he was seventeen and she was twenty-one and very experienced.

  She taught Rico about sex. Vanessa had her way around with all the guys including Melodi's dad.

Everybody knew not to fall in love with her but Rico being so young and still a virgin he fell for the trickery. When Rashawd first introduced Rico to everyone. Vanessa wanted him and eventually she had him.

"Hey Vanessa I have to make a run look after Rico for me." Rashawd asked her as he shut the front door.

"Are you hungry Rico" Vanessa asked him as she sat across from him in a silk robe that covered her bra and panties. Vanessa crossed her legs showing Rico her thick bold thighs.

"Um naw I-Im good" Rico struggled to get out as his eyes lingered her body. Vanessa was beyond sexy.

"You like what you see?" Vanessa whispered as she got up and walked towards him. Her robe was now opened and Rico eyes were glued. When Vanessa noticed his hard on she began to touch it causing Rico to jump.

"Rico have you ever made love to a woman?" Vanessa whispered as she led his hand to her opening. Rico had told Vanessa he was a virgin.

  That night Vanessa taught Rico how to give the best head and how to please a woman's body. Rico had caught his first nut that night and his heart caught it's first love for a woman.

"Vanessa we fucked up big time and how the fuck do we suppose to fix it" Rico threw the glass back as he took his fourth shot of Hennessy.

"Rico I don't know and I really don't care to fix it. I know where my heart is. Rashawd was just a quick fuck to get my mind off you. If you wouldn't have dated her we wouldn't be in this mess." Vanessa had no feelings towards what happened she didn't love Rashawd not one bit he was just something to do while Rico played house with another woman.

"Vanessa how the fuck is it my fault I ain't choose this shit and you fuckin around with Shawd was not my fuckin problem and what the fuck does he mean I batta have this baby tested."

"Rico don't go there with me. You knew how I felt about you. You knew how our relationship went so why the fuck would you introduce yourself to her anyway and DONT think for once I didn't catch on to what she said about her being pregnant. You did this shit not me and Rico don't fuckin play with me I know who the fuck my baby daddy is. I fucked Rashawd in January and fucked you in March its August I'm five months do the math stupid! Rico if you want to be with her and obviously you do because you over here stressing then be with her I can raise this child on my own."

"Vanessa is the baby mine? I wasn't the only one fuckin you and obviously Rashawd thinks the same thing."

"Are you foreal though Rico! Fuck what Rashawd thinks. Did you not just here what I just said."

"Vanessa I heard you but you was fucking with Shawn also and Jerald"

"Rico shut the fuck up before you piss me off. I didn't fuck Shawn he gave me head and Jerald that was my fucking past so don't even go there. You know what fuck you Rico!" Vanessa screamed as she ran upstairs.

Rico knew the baby was his. And he knew it was his fault that all this happened.

"I'm sorry baby" He said as he walked upstairs into his bedroom where he found Vanessa crying. Vanessa loved Rico but with her past it was hard to take her serious.

"Vanessa I love you it was the alcohol talking. I know this is all my fault and I'm trying to fix it."

"Rico I DONT care what you trying to do how could you deny your child. Rico I love you to but I'm not trying to share you eitha." Vanessa said sitting up in the bed.

"You don't have to. Marry me Vanessa." Rico said grabbing her hand.

"Foreal Rico are you serious?"

"Yes I'm serious will you marry me!"

"Yes baby I'll marry you" Vanessa said as she leaned forward to kiss him. Rico was down with getting married but he still cared for Melodi.

Lol do Rico not know you don't suppose to wife a T.H.O.T (The Hood Own That.)  Lol I don't think Rico made the right choice... But then again people do change.

I feel bad for Melodi she wanted to be his wife.

I wanna know how she's gonna take it!

What y'all think about all this....Comment and tell me!!!

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