chapter 9

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"Aye watch what you're doing Rico I swear if you break that ima beat yo ass!" Melodi said as they moved the stuff into her apartment.

"Ma'am where would you like this" one of the moving men asked "You can sit it right there thank you."

"Daddy why did you get all these guys to help me and why didn't you let me know you volunteered Rashawd to come help out. I really didn't want everyone in my business." Melodi said as she watched Rico and Rashawd bring the last couch in. Melodi didn't want to be around Rashawd at all anymore he had a family now so she wanted to play no part into fuckin that up and plus he hurt her.

"Mel were you gonna get this stuff up here yourself?" Melodi looked at her dad like he was stupid. "I thought so now move you're in the way." he said playfully pushing her.

"Ight man we're done here" Rashawd announced as he wiped the sweat from his face. The guys been moving things in the apartment since ten o'clock that morning and it was now going on four thirty.

"Thank you every one my daddy will take care of the bill" Melodi said running up stairs laughing.

"You know what that's fucked up." Jerald laughed giving all the guys a fifty dollar bill.

"So what y'all about to do?" Rashawd asked standing in the kitchen with Rico and Jerald "I gotta go see bout Yosha. Go get her something to eat and shit what's up." Jerald was really excited about being a dad again. He was there for Yosha every step of the way. "Nun really ain't wanna be in the house all night and congratulations man."

"You to my nigga what Vanessa having anyway?" jerald said shaking hands with Rashawd.

"a boy" Rashawd said cheesing. "That's what's up man. What Vanessa doing tonight?"

"She going to her sisters that's why I asked y'all what y'all was getting into." Rashawd said as Melodi made her way downstairs.

"Dad I'm about to head to you and mom's to finish getting my clothes. Come on Rico." Melodi said standing there.

"Baby I have something I need to do I can't." Rico said checking his phone.

"Are you serious Rico we've talked about this. Neva mind forget it. Dad lock up if y'all are gone before I get back and leave my key under my mat love you." Melodi said walking out the kitchen but Rico grabbed her arm.

"Man why you got an attitude chill I'll be back later on I gotta handle this business real quick chill you know I love you. Stop acting like that."

"Wateva Rico I love you to I gotta go."

Melodi wanted to spend some quality time with Rico but Rico always gave his damn attention to the streets. But Melodi had to respect that because that was something Rico was doing before they even met. Some people are born with a sliver spoon and the ones that's wasn't try to do what ever it takes to get one. So Melodi couldn't say to much to him about being in the streets that's how Rico made his money.

"Man when you gonna give that girl your time. Nigga you break my daughter heart ima beat yo ass" Jerald said playin with Rico but Rico knew he was serious.

"Man I love that girl to death I'm not trying to hurt her. When mel and I got together I shared with her what I do. She know I hustle and that's why I gave her the options on leaving before we take this any farther. She said it was cool and she respected that. So I'm not understanding why she bugging now. Man that girl know where my heart is."

"And where is it" Jerald asked

"With her watcha mean." Rico said looking at Jerald all weird.

  "I know man Im just fuckin with you. But you gonna have to start spending more time with her. All that fancy shit don't matta and I'm telling you now that's my baby girl and she's not into materialistic shit. So trying to buy her things to keep her happy ain't gone work. You're gonna have to put some time in. She loves you man and she loves you a lot." Jerald explained as all three of them walked out the door.

  "I understand man I'll do betta but I'll holla at y'all later." Rico said jumping into his Rover.

"That nigga still young money mean everything to him right now." Rashawd said standing there waiting on Jerald to lock the door.

"I don't give a damn how old he is he break my baby heart and that's it." Jerald said slipping the key under the mat. "Ayye swing back by here later ima be over here helping my baby girl get settled in." Jerald said getting in his car.

"ight bet cause I ain't trying to be in that boring ass house."

Melodi had sat the last pillow on her all white couch. It was nine o'clock and Melodi was back in forth from cooking a romantic meal for her and Rico to finish putting the finishing touches on her apartment. Melodi front room was laid out. She had chose to do the all white sofas that she accessorized with burnt orange, turquoise and brown pillows. She had bought this very nice looking unique glass table that she sat in the middle of her living room floor. That held a nice sized turquoise glass vase that held brown and orange crystal like marbles in the inside. The colors Melodi chose went very well together and her condo looked like it was worth a million bucks.

"Who is it" Melodi asked as she walked to her front door. Opening her door she wasn't expecting to see Rashawd.

"Your dad told me to meet him here" Rashawd said sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Come in its cold out. And let me call him because I wasn't aware of this." Melodi said shutting the door as Rashawd stepped in. Melodi had to control herself. He smelt so damn good.

"Damn girl you hooked this place up fast it looks really nice. I love the colors you chose. Brown and orange are my favorite colors." Rashawd said admiring the condo. He was really pleased in her taste.

"Thanks they're mines to. My dad just text me and said he's not coming him and my moma staying in tonight." Melodi said showing Rashawd the text.

"Somebodies calling you" Rashawd said handing Melodi back her phone.

"Hey Baby..What?...Rico really I planned this whole night for us...No I'm not...Wateva Rico...Yea...I love you to bye." Melodi said hanging up her phone.

"You good ma?" Rashawd asked as Melodi tried to quickly wipe away a tear but it was to late. Rashawd had already witnessed it.

"Yea I'm fine. Did you eat yet?" Melodi asked walking into the kitchen.

"Naw not yet." Rashawd said as he followed her into the kitchen.

"You care to stay and have dinner I hate for this food to go to waste." Melodi said taking out two glass plates.

"Yea I'll stay and have dinner.What's on the menu?"

"Lobster and steak with a baked potato and a salad." Melodi informed as she sat the lobster tail on to the plate followed by a steak and a baked potato.

"I didn't know you could cook." Rashawd said as Melodi poured them both a glass of wine.

"Rashawd its a lot you don't know about me. Which I don't think you wanted to fined out." Melodi said as she sipped on her wine.

"Mel that's not true." Rashawd said cutting into his steak and taking a bite.

"Mel this is really good."

"Thanks Shawd."

"I really missed you though." Melodi wasn't expecting Rashawd to bring up anything that had to do with him and her. Yes she cared for him but she was over him.

"That's nice to know. But lets not get on that subject please." Melodi asked eating her lobster tail.

"Cool I respect that" Melodi and Rashawd was just finishing up eating when Melodi phone rung again. She wasn't about to answer it because it was Rico but something told her to pick it up......

Cliff hanger!!!!! lol I had to!!! Anyway what y'all think is about to happen?

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