chapter 6

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"Why did you do that?" Rashawd asked Melodi as she stood in the mirror cleaning off the fog with a towel wrapped round her. Melodi paid him no mind as she applied mascara onto her lashes.

"Mel?" Rashawd called again standing in the door way of the bathroom.

"Rashawd move."

"Naw why did you do that"

"Do what Rashawd!" Melodi played dumb but she knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Really Melodi. Don't go acting childish. You could of gotten us caught." Rashawd said following Melodi out of the bathroom and into her room.

"Got us caught? OR gotten YOU caught!"

"What that supposed to me?"

"Exactly how the hell it sounds" Melodi said as she rubbed her legs down with lotion.

"That's the kinda shit lil girls do"

"You a mess! Since I'm a little girl stop trying to fuck me then.I don't want you to end up in jail or anything." Melodi said with a laughter.

"Ain't nobody trying to fuck you."

"Rashawd get the fuck out my room!..NOW! And don't bring that bitch here again. If you wanna see her you go to her. Now move bye!" Melodi said walking over to her pantie draw removing her towel.

Rashawd got stuck as he watched Melodi bend over and she slipped one leg into her thong followed by the next.

"Don't look at me get out my room please." Melodi said as she walked past Rashawd and bumped him.

"Chill man you knew I was with Vanessa when I first met you so why you acting this way now."

"No because that shit you pulled was messy. How the hell you gonna tongue me down and cuddle with me one night and then the next morning got her over like really who does that! And then its not like we at your shit! Its at my house! You know what never mind I'm about to go bye."

"Naw where you going" Rashawd said gripping Mel's wrist.

"None of your damn business now let me go" Melodi pulled away from him but only to be snatched back into Rashawd's arms.

"I wanted to spend the whole day with you so why you leaving me."

"Put me down and I don't wanna hang with you today. Like foreal you made me mad"

"I'm sorry Melodi but you knew she was going to end up over here. I Love Vanessa but I'm not in love with her like that. I'm sorry if you felt disrespected. That wasn't my attentions."

"So if you not in love with her why are you still with her?"

"I don't know I'm still trying to figure that out."

"Okay Rashawd if you say so!"

"Are you jealous?"

"Rashawd how can I be jealous of something that don't belong to me. I just don't like being played. But what we did the other night can't happen again. We're both in a relationship with someone. Lets be friends for now on."

Rashawd just stared at Melodi for awhile before he spoke.He knew she was right. They both needed to work on their relationships.

"That's cool Mel I respect that but can we still spend the whole day together."

"I got plans with Rico and I'm already late fooling with you."

"Ight man wateva" Rashawd said letting Melodi go. Melodi kinda felt bad about what she had just told him about being just friends but that was the best thing for them both. Melodi and Rashawd was only attracted to each other in a sexual way. Melodi knew that and that wasn't something she wanted. She wanted it to be more then sex, she wanted a relationship. And she knew the only way to be in a relationship was to stick with Rico because Rashawd wasn't leaving Vanessa.

"Rashawd are you upset?" Melodi asked as she watched him sit on the bed with an attitude.

"Naw you good ma I got business to handle today anyways."

"Sure you do" A smile appeared on Melodi's face as she walked towards him. Bending down Melodi softly kissed Rashawd on the lips.

"You don't have to lie to me."

Standing up Rashawd pulled Melodi closer to him holding her by her waist Rashawd pulled her in for a passionate kiss. Wrapping her arms around his neck Melodi returned the kiss. The kiss was so good it had Rashawd moaning inside Melodi's mouth.

"Friends don't kiss like that" Rashawd said pulling back.

"I know" Melodi smiled as she  Pecked him on the lips before she walked out the door.

Rashawd was starting to fall for Melodi but he didn't want to break Vanessa's heart. He knew how much Vanessa loved and cared for him. Hurting a females feelings was something Rashawd hated doing. So something had to give. So all feelings he had for Melodi had to go. And he knew staying in the same house with her was only going to make things worst. So Rashawd decided he was going to leave and make this his last day being there.

So I know this wasn't much but I had to update to keep this book alive!  sorry it took me so long I've been busy!!!

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