chapter 15

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     Its been two weeks since Melodi and her father had seen or heard from each other. Melodi dad wouldn't accept her calls or wouldn't reply back to her text.


   Melodi felt bad about not telling her father about Cali she wanted to gain his trust back but Melodi knew with the secret she was keeping her dad would kill her.


   "Hey babyyy, I didn't know you were coming." Melodi said running up to Rashawd and giving him a kiss. Rashawd had been mad busy with work so they spent little  time together.



   "girl you trying to get us killed? I miss you to Melodi but slow your role we around a lot of people." Rashawd said pushing her away.

   Melodi had forgotten that quick that she was at her mom's babyshower.

  "I'm sorry but I missed you these last couple of weeks."

"I missed you to Mel."

"you have a hard way of showing it."


  Melodi said backing away but Rashawd pulled her back close to him.

"I'm sorry Mel I just don't wanna cause any drama right now, because someone still haven't done what I asked."

"Rashawd I tried. He acting stubborn, and how you know I haven't said anything to him?"

"Because your dad been coming by to see me. He explained the incident."


"Don't wateva me Melodi you know I love you!"

"I love you too" Melodi said as. Rashawd tongued her down. It had to be an Angel because as soon as they pulled apart Jerald walked in the kitchen.

"What's up man you finally came." Jerald said dapping Rashawd.

"Yea I just got here I was just asking Melodi where you." Rashawd lied.

"I meant to tell you I invited..." just then a thick brown skinned girl walked into the kitchen. She was cute but she had nothing on Melodi.

"Hey Rashawd!" Melodi watched as the girl extended her arms around Rashawd.

"What's up Nina what you doing here"

"Nothing chillin Jerald invited me."

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Yea but now that you're here I can really enjoy myself. I really had fun on that date we went on last week."

  Melodi blood was boiling. She wanted to kill Rashawd.

  "Date? Whattt Rashawd went on a date that's a shocker." Melodi said causing the three to look her way.

  "Ohhh my bad I'm Melodi jerald's daughter."

"hi I heard so much about you."

"Really that's weird because this my first time hearing about you." Melodi wasn't trying to be rude but she couldn't help it.

"Mel this is Nina an old classmate of ours." Jerald said


"Excuse me I have to go. Nice meeting you Nia" Melodi said grabbing her glass and walking out the kitchen.

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