Chapter Seven (Forgive Me...Please?)

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Toryn's POV
To say I was dreading the next day of school is an understatement. When I woke up I woke up guilty,  when I washed I washed like I was trying to scrub away the impurity I called myself, when I ate I was forcing myself to swallow down the guilt and prevent myself from spilling my guts out. "Toryn honey I'm leaving. Are you gonna take your car or do you want to come with me?" Mom called from upstairs. My mom is completely and utterly gorgeous. I inherited my blue eyes from dad but she has chocolate fountain eyes with matching chocolate hair that looked almost black. She has a petite body with little curves but her amazing personality and genuine smile is enough to win people over. It's the story of her and dad's life so it's easily explained how she won him. How dad won mom I'll never know. Dad is always working, always on some important business meeting.

"No mom it's fine. I'll travel by myself."
"As usual." She glides down the stairs looking as pretty as ever. Mom runs her own business -like dad- but she's always home and makes sure to be here for me at my important moments. She's the owner of the town's most luxurious restaurant/hotel. Yet she always insists on cooking our meals which I love because home cooked meals are the best. "Are you at least going to come to tonight's dinner at the restaurant?  We're releasing a new pre-dinner snack. It's going to be fantastic please come?"
"Mom you don't have to ask I said I would be there." Grinning from ear- to-ear Mom pleasantly strolled off into the garage. That grin means trouble. Getting everything ready for school the dreadful pit in my stomach returned at the idea of seeing my gorgeous classmate again. Wait gorgeous? Shaking the thought out of my head I head into the garage to see mom scratching around the inside of the bottom of the car. "What did you lose this time?" Sitting up all to quickly Mom hit the back of her head with the wheel. "Ouch. Toryn don't sneak up on your mother like that." She had a fake pained expression on while she rubbed the back of her head. Luckily her hair is loose otherwise that would have ruined any hairstyle she had. "Really, Mom?"

"Okay getting back to your earlier question I believe I lost my keys. Last place I saw them was..." Her brows furrowed in concentration as she thought deeply. Glancing around I mentally slapped my mom and myself before I brought her back to reality. "Mom your keys are on the rack."
"Oh yeah that's right." She let out a nervous laugh. If her mom weren't a blonde I'd swear that my mom is just downright dumb. "Okay thank you sweetie have a good day." She pecked me on the cheek before climbing in her car. Doing the same with my car I start the engine and start pulling out before I hear mom say, "Wait how do I start this again?" Letting out an annoyed sigh I yell, "Put your keys in the ignition."
"Oh right thank you again sweetie. Mommy loves you!" She yelled excitedly before driving off. I'm surprised mom can get herself around town without getting lost. Driving to Jerry's place I start to calm down. The dread in my stomach is bounding around and making me feel like I wanted to puke my breakfast out.

Pulling up outside his house I see him hug his mom goodbye and give his little sister an encouraging pat on the head. Anna is similar in looks to her brother. They both have jet black hair, Anna's hair is greater in length, both with blue - green eyes and both with a skinny frame. There was a 10 year age gap between them but they played like there wasn't any age gap between them. Jerry was an amazing friend and an even better brother. I'm an only child since mom and dad did not want another kid. Mostly dad didn't want another kid because he complained one was one too much. "Yo dude." Jerry had run the small distance to my car and crept in without my noticing. Looking at him I say softly,"Sup." Knowing my dilemma but trying to continue conversation Jerry ask, "So you ready?" No not at all. I'm terrified. More nervous about this than I've ever been about a football game. Lord help me. "Yeah I'm psyched!" I sarcastically answer him instead of telling him the devastating truth.

He leans back in the chair and releases a disgruntled huff. "If you're nervous tell me you don't need to act like a dick." Looking at him amused I tell him jokingly, "Yeah but I do have one. Bigger than yours."
"Hmm? Get your girl to prove it and I might believe you."

"Whatever man."

At school almost the same routine happens except I don't allow Nina to lure me into unsatisfying foreplay. Where is she? Come on Sarah. Looking around for most of the morning I am about to give up when I see her get out of a car. A red BMW, shiny must be brand new. She leans into the driver side window and says something before waving goodbye. She releases a loud sigh when she looks around and finds no one until she sees me. Her face cringes and she tries to speed walk away when I walk up to her. "Sarah please." She doesn't look at me or acknowledge my presence. She only walks on and pretends I'm not there. "Sarah please let me explain."
She finally turns to me but there's fire in her eyes, a fire fueled by hate. It's terrifying to look at especially knowing she's a redhead. "Explain what?! How you humiliated me?! Embarrassed me?! Made me look weak and pathetic to keep yourself in good books with your 'friends'?!" With each accusation her voice raises and my despair as well. Having her voice how she felt afterwards, hearing it loud and clear was breaking me more so than I expected. At the last sentence she all but throws her arms out to air quote friends. Jerry was right I truly did fuck up. Her breathing is ragged and uneven, she's trying to calm herself down for her next words.
"If that's what you want to explain then I've already witnessed it. First hand." I look down guilty. Nothing I tried to form in my mind sounded right. It all sounded empty and heartless. She steps closer to me so that I can see her shoes, "I'm listening." She gently has my eyes set on her own gentle gaze. I don't deserve your kind eyes. Sarah...
"I want to say that I'm sorry."
"No please. I shouldn't have done that to you and I should not have allowed my 'friends' to manipulate me like that. I met you just yesterday but you somehow bring out a better side to me. A side that I usually keep hidden away for fear of people taking advantage of that. Sarah I am so sorry and I wanted to say this to you since the incident but when I saw your face - knowing I had caused those tears to ruin your perfect face - it broke me. If you can find it in your heart to forgive me - and I don't know why you would - I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust again and show you that I want to be your friend."

She doesn't move or speak she just stared at me with content in her eyes. Sky blue eyes so light compared to my oceanic blue ones. "Toryn you're a jock and to jocks popularity is everything. I know that your friends will still bully me but as long as I know you are still my friend I'm willing to take anything they can dish out at me. Plus I've faced worse." Instead of answering with words I pull her into a gentle hug and try and let my emotion flow through the hug. I'll always be your friend. Is the message I want to send through the hug. She understands it without the use of words and she hugs me back just as intensely as I do her. "I will be here for you okay?"
"Thank you, Toryn." She sighs contentedly and looks into my eyes. For a second it seems as if she is finding the courage to kiss me until we are pulled apart by the bell. "Come on let's go to class." She holds my hand to lead me to class. I think she's working her way into my heart.

A/N I know I said I'd put in both their points of view but it was difficult so I added Toryn's home life and apology in the same chapter. Next one is Sarah. I'm typing in class so I'll end by saying comments and suggestions. Stay awesome and amazing


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