Chapter Seventeen (Sleepover Part Two)

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Sarah's POV
One thing I can say to describe Toryn's house when we got there was wow. My dream had been right about one thing it was big.

"I wonder what else he has that's big?" I mutter quietly to myself and follow behind Joanna. She and Edward had gotten lost along the way because they had to take a detour and almost missed the turn here. Now they were here and we were preparing for the sleepover.

Stepping in I saw first the L-shaped couch and a built in fireplace. I wonder how many śmores I could make in one night in this place? I found myself to just be standing there staring at it for a few moments. When I snapped out of my trance I blinked and it seemed everyone had gone. Some friends.

I decided I'd just explore until I found them again. Which could take a while considering the size of the house and the amount of people here. I walked around glancing at things that caught my interest along the way until I cam to a certain door.

It was halfway open and I was curious as to what was behind it. I gently took hold of the knob with a trembling hand. I felt as if I had done this before but where? The dream. I did this in my dream and...

I jerked my hand back as if I had been burnt. My heart rate had picked up and my breathing was shallower. I was frightened of something that had happened in a dream. Calm down Edward and Joanna are here they would never let anything bad happen to you.

Thinking that I held the doorknob once more and opened it. I was met with darkness. I couldn't see my own hands in this light and I had to feel my way around. I felt along the walls till my hand came in contact with something heavy and metal like. I gripped it in my hand and heard the rattle showing it to be a chain. Just like in the dream. I let go of it and slowly back away from it. Terrified that it will jump and hit me somehow.

"Sarah?" No not again! I push my arms out in front of me to protect myself and am instead grabbed and pulled into Jerry's arms. "Sarah what's wrong?" I calm down when I heard the concern in his voice instead of what I expected.

"Nothing I just got lost sorry." I'm lying obviously but he doest seem to pick up on it when he pulls me out of the garage and back into the house. "We're all in Toryn's room considering it's getting late. Joanna ran a bath for the two of you. It's just down this hallway." He points to the last door in the hallway and I just walk not bothering to look back, still a little jumpy from being in there.

As I walk I notice how low the sun is through a passing window. I had been walking by myself for most of the time we'd been here and I had not noticed how time had flown. I open the last door and walk in without knocking. Standing next to the bathroom sink , naked, is Joanna as she examines some little bottles. "I'm trying to decide between blushing raspberry and passion purple bubble bath. Which do you suggest?"

"Why does it matter?" I start stripping myself of my clothes and leave them in a neat pile against the door. "Why are you doing that?"
"I'm putting my clothes against the door to make sure the guys can't peek in. Considering you love pink you're probably going to choosing blushing raspberry so just pour it in."
"True." She smiles before throwing the pink liquid into the running bath water. Steam is rising out of the stout so it's easy to tell she's putting in the hot water first, as usual. "Don't make that too hot okay?"
She grunts a response as she turns it off and starts tapping the cold water. The bubbles start rising and becoming more... well bubbly is the only word to describe it. As she closes that tap as well I put my hand in the water to test it. It's just right.

I climb into the bubble bath and sigh when I feel the welcoming warmth seep into my skin. "It's nice isn't it?" Joanna turns so she can face me and leans over the side. The bath is big enough so the both of us can sit comfortably. A round bath. "Yeah it's fine." I lean back against the cold marble and close my eyes, my thoughts drifting from the finished tests, officially being Jerry's girlfriend and finally being 'trapped' in the room of my nightmares.

"So what's wrong?" Joanna scoots closer to me and wipes some loose strands of my hair away from my forehead. "In the words of Justin Bieber:what do you mean?" She snorts before saying, "You're upset about something. What is it?" Darn this girl. "What makes you think some thing's wrong?" She puckers her lips before answering, "Because normally in situations like these we'd have our girl talk and chatter until the water became cold then we'd wash. So what's wrong?"

She knows me to well for me to even attempt to lie. I tell her about the dream even up to the part I started bawling. She doesn't say anything as I pour this out, she only sits there and digests the information. "Do you want to chain them up and leave them in the garage to make yourself feel better?" She suggest as she once again wipes some strands away.

I can't help but burst out in a fit of laughter. Of course she'd think tying them up with chains would make me feel better. She soon starts laughing with me and uses the back of her hand to contain most of it. "As fun as that sounds I don't think I'd feel better." I confess to her as I reach over for some shower gel. Raspberry apple? The woman of this house has excellent taste.

She crosses her arms across her chest and defiantly says, "I don't need it to make you feel better I need to punish someone."
"My Baby Boy has been beyond excellent these last few weeks and I can't punish him nor can I continously reward him." A dirty thought comes to my mind and I ask her, "How about a tease? Like old times."

Her eyes gleam mischievously as she realises what I'm saying. I did plan on doing something naughty tonight anyway. "Why did you get in the bath with me anyway? There's a shower." I point out to her and she shrugs as she answers. "I guess I just wanted to feel young again. Remember the first time we bathed together?" I half smile and half shiver as I remember our first bath together.

"I will never forget it. I trusted you to run the bath and you ended up putting in so much hot water." She wickedly laughed before continuing. "Then you jumped into the water and immediately jumped out with skin as red as your hair. You ended up being in the shower to cool off and even after that your mother brought you ice for your wings and tail." We laugh at the awful memory before lapping into silence again. We've been friends for so long that we can say nothing and yet still have a good time.

"You know you're my best friend and I don't regret a moment with you. Even that unprovoked abusive moment." She bites her lip to keep from laughing then looks at me the same friendly love in her eyes. "And you mine, Sarah."

There is a knock at the door and Joanna yells not to come in we're naked. "Ladies can you please get done? You've been in there for the past hour and probably look like prunes. Come on were going to watch a movie and eat unhealthy junk food."
"We'll be out in twenty minutes." Joanna yells at whoever is behind the door and a groan is heard followed by retreating footsteps.

"You know yelling that we're naked will just make them want to come in right?"
"Really? I never knew." She sarcastically answers as she reaches over for the sponge and starts washing. I follow her example and soon we're in our pajamas. Her in panda shorts and a panda print tank top. "Don't you look adorable?"

I mock her and she looks me up and down as if mocking me silently. I'm wearing white knee socks, black sleep shorts and a baggy shirt with a wolf on. "Here." Joanna passes me my case with my contacts in. "What's this for?"
"Considering what we're going to do tonight you don't want to spoil your glasses." I nod In agreement before taking off my glasses and putting them in they're casing. I take a few minutes to get the contacts in and by the time I'm done Joanna is standing bored at the door.

"Can we go now, Princess?"
"We may, Nave."
She looks tempted to slap me but instead turns away and walks down the hallway to another set of stairs leading higher up. How much damn longer am I going to wait?!

A/N Next chapter yada yada. Updating tonight don't be mad.

1. Being in the place of your nightmares would you be terrified?

2. Do you think Joanna and Sarah have a stronger friendship than most?

3. Next chapter anyone guessing?


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