Chapter Forty Eight(IT)

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We stopped outside the building where our homecoming was being held.  I read the name on the top.

Le viol Plaza.

It's in French, but if it's translated to English, it means the rape plaza. I dabble in French as a friend of my grandmother's would always come over and teach me. At my young age I thought it was stupid, now I'm sort of glad I listened and I can read this stupid hotel name.

I smirk and wonder who would be a victim of rape. It wasn't going to be me. I sound cocky but I know I won't be, mostly because my friends(the werewolf and the fierce mistress) are here with me.

We walked in and time itself stopped. The entire hallway was stunned into silence. I leaned over to Tara and pulled Joanna near us,"I think they're staring at you guys." Joanna snorts and shoves me lightly away. Nina walks foward with Toryn and everything goes back to normal. The soft, fancy, violin music is playing and everyone is conversing.

I spot the dark mop of hair sitting away from everyone else, and detach myself from Jerry, with the excuse of needing to see someone. When I'm behind Alec I jump up onto his back and mess around with his hair. He almost looks like a normal human. With his fringe, the black tuxedo, and a hint of makeup I won't mention, he looks exactly like a human. Aside from the fangs I see when he smiles at me.

"Evening ,Princess." He raises his glass in a salute. "Glad to see you here. I was afraid you wouldn't show up."He says and downs the sparkling grape juice.

"Alec you've been surprisingly well behaved these past few weeks. I can't believe I'm saying this..."
He raises his eye brow and smiles knowingly at me. "...I'm proud of you." I say in an exasperated sigh. He smiles,a toothy smile exposing his fangs, and says, "I've been waiting to hear those words."

I smile at his arrogant words and lean forward to kiss his cheek. He steps back stunned at my actions. He deserved at least the one. After all he just undouchefied himself. That's not an actual thing but I'm sure someone will start the trend. Eventually.

He grins goofily at me and asks if he can get a taste of my blood. I respond with a very simple no. After I'm done there I walk away to go find the girls. I hear Alec whisper something about later and turn back to look at him,but he's gone, talking to some members on the homecoming committee.

I find Joanna and Nina talking next to the punch bowl and Tara is on the dance floor. At least Tara has the right idea. I scrunch up my face and walk over to Nina and Joanna. I convinced them to come onto the dance floor, basically dragged them to it, and we stood in a circle. Joanna was a little stiff at first but eventually she was swept into the music and started dancing. The DJ put on Bruno Mars, "24K Magic", and everyone in the hall was up and dancing around.
The circle grew and grew until everyone was daring each other to dance. The girls and I simply swayed and moved to the sounds of Bruno singing in out ears.

The guys came up behind us and we were all dancing. Jerry was leaning over me and unknowingly initiating the movements of sex.

Joanna went up to the DJ and whispered in his ear. He nodded and switched the music. A new song started booming out of the speakers. Of course she'd choose this. Well played. I turn around so I'm facing Jerry and mouth the words. Imma pull up when she call me,baby you know I don't pull out when we loving. Touching, kissing and licking.


He pulls me close to him and moves with my hips. Oiy of the corner of my eye, I notice Alec standing over the punch bowl. He probably needed a drink. Dancing is tiring.

Jerry spins us around and kisses the back of my neck. Even on this song, he makes it seem like a sweet gesture.

The music is stopped and everyone is asked to take their seats. There are ten seats,there is a black table cloth over the round table and the centre piece, on our table, is a ceramic wolf with grey and white "fur". I look to Tara and Nick snickering at the ornament.

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