Chapter Forty One (The Club)

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Sarah's POV
Once again, my resident stalker, Alec has successfully found me. How he keeps finding me, and why he even bothers looking for me, boggles my mind? It's as if he's doing it to piss me off...or to scare away someone else.


I need to get back to him. Alec is still holding my wrists captive in his hands—so as much as I would love to leave, I can't get out of his vice grip until he decides to let me go. That could very well take all night.

"Alec, I would like to go back to my room. So if you'd please let go of me—it would be highly appreciated as well." In the dim—barely able to see through—light I see him smirking. I hate that look so much. It just infuriates me.

Alec leaned down to my ear—his hot breath doing less than pleasant things to my insides— and pressed a soft kiss below my ear. "Oh, Sarah, why would I let you go? Not only are you sexy, but your blood is so strong and smells so sweet." My blood? What is he what I'm thinking. The pale skin, the dark clothes?

He moved back—only enough to look into my eyes, much to my dismay. "I can see the gears turning in your head. So let's just cut to the chase. I'm a vampire."
He just admitted that to me? This boy is either confident or cocky. Quite frankly I'm assuming the other one. He should know we supernaturals don't—no all supernaturals know not to give away their identity to those who could even be considered mundane.

"What?" To give off the air of mundane I have to pretend he's joking, he might very well be. "Alec, you're a goth with stalker issues, but a vampire? What will you crazy emos come up with next." I don't mean to offened anyone  but emo and goth are the best things I can think of.

He looks seriously into my eyes. He's staring into my soul. Then he burst into muffled laughter . Once he's calmed down his giggle fit, he looks seriously into my eyes again. Why is this boy so dark and serious?

"Oh, do you really think I don't know? Maybe your little pet is oblivious but I'm not. You're a succubus. The vibe of sex is coming off of you every minute of your life.  I can smell it all over you. " He knows? But how? How could he have found out? I've been keeping it on the low and blending in with mundane society.

Still refusing to admit it out loud, I continue with the arrogant and sarcastic retorts,"Care to explain how you found out, "Mr Vampire"?" I made the air quotes with the only part of my upper body that could move, my fingers.
"You're giving yourself away,Princess . Your fun toy is really stupid if he still hasn't noticed it." Live to be oblivious. I will not say anything until I have solid proof.
Alec had his signature smirk plastered to his face. Still.

"If you want me to prove it, I'll count down the signs for you. Your constant need to be sexual with your "boyfriend"–"
"All teens are like that."
"The aura coming off you that promises sex-"
"It's called feminine charm."
"Not to mention, your tail is sticking out—it's also covered in sexual juices, no doubt from your fun with Nina."

Darn it. I need to learn to be on guard after sex.  Alec Dark, regular student to everyone else, I can finally see what he really is. A blood sucking vampire. It makes sense now. At least it will to me, everyone else will still be kept in the dark, unfortunately they'll have to be. For their own safety.

God dammit. "Okay, now you know about me. You know exactly what I am and what I do. So what's your next move?" Even to my own ears I can hear the underlying threats. If he dares to tell Jerry, vampire or not, I will end him.

And the smirk returns to his face—this time it's accompanied by fangs, sharp, pearly white fangs. He leaned in near to me, his lips almost grazing mine, his breath smelling putrid and like rusty iron. It's the lingering smell of blood. "Who did you feed off of?"
"If you must know, I found a nice and sugary blood source. You know her as Ana." The football guy's girlfriend, the one the bottle landed on first? He...

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