Chapter Thirty Eight (No sense)

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Hello again everyone. Yes I have been gone for a long while. To give you a synopsis, I left because of exams, depression and because I thought this book was a complete failure, I thought this as many people read but did not comment nor vote, but I'm back now and I am going to finish this book in this year whether many people vote or not.  So that's all that you need to know. Good evening/day.

Nina's POV
What is happening? I have spent half of the morning merely observing the reactions of the boy population and a few of the girls. And I repeat, what is happening?! This girl comes back from the thin air and she's already made a triumphant come back into the popular circle. Also this new teacher and student seem to be lying low on the "oddly weird" radar. Also that new boy and his obvious obsession with out resident red head is not as appealing as everyone makes it sound. At least I think so. None of this makes any sense...

"Hey, you okay?" I jumped and turn around to face my childhood friend. "Hey... What are you doing here?"
Toryn looked down at me like I had grown a second head, or possibly even horns and animal ears.

"Ni, you have been standing like a crazy stalker chick outside of the boy's bathroom for the past 5 minutes. And not to blow your bubble or anything , but you are needed in the gymnasium. "

"For what? " This is news to me. I hadn't been informed of any meeting or anything of the sort. Toryn shook his head in a wise elder way, which we all know he's not, and pulled me away from the bathroom.

"Joanna arranged a meeting just before second period, all the cheerleaders were informed as you were." I wasn't informed of anything, what is going on...
"Well I better get going there. Thanks, Tor. "

He waved a shaky goodbye, and off I was to get to the gym.  What awaits we at the gymnasium? Since this meeting was arranged by Joanna I'd like to think the worst, but the beautiful brunette has proved me wrong before.

I run at top speed down the hallways, I'm stopped by a few teachers along the way but after a few explanations I am left to go on my way. After running a while, I start slowing down but still take long strides.

In the hallway I see the new guy everyone has been talking about. He is as dark and mysterious as the rumors say. Even running down the hallway and seeing him briefly, I can feel the bad vibes coming off of him. I slow down to get a better look at him, just to satisfy my curiosity. And to see if the rumors are true. Maybe to do more than just that.

His eyes connect with mine for a few milliseconds. A sinister feeling overruns my entire system. This feels weird, no - no not weird, it feels dark and cold. Like he's wrapping me in an ice cold hold. He gives a sinister smirk to match his looks.


Tearing my eyes away from his, I continue my sprint down the hallway.  Whatever - whoever that boy is he seems to be the type of guy everyone is staying away from. To be honest I would stay as far away from him as I can.

Entering the gym, I look around to see if the rest of the rest of the girls are here or not. Looking straight ahead, it's evident that Sarah, Joanna and some black haired girl were the only ones here. They were all wearing cheerleading uniforms .

Sarah is the first one to turn around. Her hair, now tied into a sleek pony tail, bounces when she turns around to face me, with a warm and welcoming smile. "Hey. I see you got the message. " Upon hearing this Joanna and the black haired girl both turn around, weirdly enough the share the same blank look, yet they seem to be putting a little more than required distance between them. With their matching outfits they'd pass for rival siblings.
It's almost enough to laugh.

"I was told there was a meeting? Though from the looks of it I appear to be too late." Joanna walks up to where Sarah, who is still smiling like a goof, although oddly enough it seems genuine. I feel like I'm saying oddly too much. Should I dial it down or perhaps I should take it up a few notches? Maybe then will finally get the recognition and attention I deserve. I mean - to get you off track a bit - I called Toryn for most of the holiday and he never took the time to see me. Me. His childhood best friend. But that's just a suggestion.

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