Chapter Thirty (Old Companions)

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I'm going to stop saying Sarah's POV  because by now it's obvious, I will however say when it is someone else's.

I was bounding inside and out. After all this long while I am finally going to see her again. Grandma stops just in front of the stables and calls,"Serena! Guess who's here?" Silence. That's all I hear before echoing footstep reaches my ears. I grin and hols tightly onto Gran's hands.

Will she recognise me? Will I recognise her? Are we still going to be the same? So many questions flew in my mind and I had no answers to anyone of them. One question that never left despite the others was, am I worthy to see her after I left?

Finally the echoing stops as four hoofs hit the soft earth. My gorgeous buckskin quater horse, Serena Xavier. Yes I gave her my surname because I owned her despite her living here, I have the documents to prove it. She was my gorgeous mare with a shining coat, black socked hoofs and her mane and tail were combed to perfection. Although the last time I saw her she was just perfect for my 9 year old self, now she was fully grown.

"She's 15 hands high. She grew up to be quite large despite not eating as much as she did when you were around.  She's been mourning you leaving up to this very day." How could she miss someone who abandoned her? Who didn't think to bring her with?
"Go say hello. She doesn't bite, we trained that out of her." She gives me a slight shove forward so I am nearly brought face-to-face with my beauty.

Everything about her has changed. Her height, her appetite most likely, everything about her is different and new. But her eyes... they are the same melted chocolate brown that I remember. A void that you look into and can never get out of. They hold the same intelligence and beauty that is meant to be in her eyes.  Serena looks at me blankly before taking a wobbly step forward. She takes step after step until she is close enough to nip my nose.

I am a statue as her hot breathe hits me over and over. I am patient to see what she will do. Second of silence go by, not a creature stirs nor does the wind blow. The world has taken a standstill at out reunion.

After another minute she places her for head against mine, it is almost uncomfortable but I am too ecstatic to care.

I run my hand through her mane and whisper so only she may hear,"I have missed you too, my old companion." She looks into my eyes and snorts into my face. "Okay no need to get huffy with me. Who has been riding her?"

I look at Serena but the question is directed at Gran. "Your grandfather takes her for regular exercise sessions,  but most days she lays in her stable. More like a sloth than a horse." Serena snorts and Gran. Gran flicks her hand and gives an old lady smile, it's a smile that only old ladies can perfect. I don't know how they so it. 

"Is it okay if I abandon you and take Serena for a quick ride up?" Looking into Grandma's eyes I can finally understand why people are so mesmerised by mine. Her eyes reflect her soul and all that is good beneath her. Does anyone see the pain hidden in my eyes? Or does my 'dazzling' draw all the attention? 

"Take her if you must-"
"But be back before sundown." Looking in the direction of the sun, I estimate I have about two hours before sundown. I turn to Gran and confidently say, " Challenge accepted!"

I race into the stables for Serena's tack. Being the one in a trillion horse she is, Serena follows behind me into the stables and to her tack so I may ready her. "You know I wonder if they got you a pretty saddle?"

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