New beginings

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One of the things I wish didn't happen was moving. Sure, my life wasn't entirely amazing, and maybe I had one friend, but it was better than nothing. Now I'm going to have to make it in another, world where people don't know me.

I'm not going to give a sob story about the sad lonely emo kid, but this is my story. So shut up a listen or leave now.

No one has entirely accepted me throughout my life. I've managed, and even though it's hard, I have pulled through. People can't seem to figure out that everyone is different.

Not to mention, another reason people dont like me much, I'm gay. And apparently its wrong, but why should I have to care what people think of me?

My own step mother Persephone doesnt accept me. Seph practically thinks I'm a walking abomination. But I couldn't care less of what she thinks or what she says. All I care about is if Hazel -my half sister- is happy and accepts me. She's the only thing that helps me.

Dad is never around. Always working. I still love him. Spending time with family is important. Maybe that's why I'm so fucked up. I never really have the opportunity.

We finally arrive to the destination of my dad's choice. We roll up to the house in the moving van and I take in my surroundings.

I have to admit. It's beautiful. Giant tall trees line the streets on each side, creating shade on the wide road. What are those called? Boulevards I think. Different color houses surround the street. It's a sunny day and rays of sunshine are poking through the canopy of trees, making it look even more astounding.

I look to the house my sister is entering. Our new house. It's fairly good sized. Two stories, some windows from the front. The paint color is a tanish brown. The door is painted pure white and it contrasts wonderfully with the house color.

I am suddenly yanked out of my thoughts when I hear my sister yell at me from the house porch.

"-ico! Nico? Neeks!" I snap my eyes up to her. She's waving both her hands signaling to get my attention and she stops when I lock my eyes with hers.

"What Haze?" I try to respond in a lot nicer tone than what I usually speak in.

"C'mon Neeks! We gotta see our rooms. Grab one of your boxes!" Hazel jumps up and down excitedly, her carmal colored hair moving along with her head, and she once again starts moving her arms around.

Hazel is always quite bubbly. You'd think a 15 year old girl would be maybe a little taimer. But not her. She is like a bundle of energy and excitement. It's one of her many qualities that make it very enjoyable to be around her.

I smile and grab a box labeled Nico's Books and I walk toward her up, the stairs and she opens the door.

I step into the house and I'm surprised when it isn't that empty. When you walk in there is the living room. White carpet, windows at each side of the room letting in light. There is a cream colored sofa in the room, in front of it, is an empty entertainment center. The living room was connected to a dining room that had a mahogany table and 8 chairs. Through a door connected with the dining room was what I am guessing is a kitchen. To my very right, was a set of stairs that led both up and down. Basement and upper level.

"Damn." I said staring at the house. It was bigger than our last house certainly.

"Language Nico." Hazel told me playfully.

"Wow." I said rolling my eyes.

"Better!" Hazel gave me her million dollar smile and then grabbed my arm, pulling me up the stairs.

As we made it to the top there was a long hallway connecting 5 rooms. I am guessing the guest bathroom is the room at the end.

"Haze do you know which one is yours?" I ask trutning to her.

"Yeah! I asked for the one with hard Wood floor so if I get paint on the floor it won't stain carpet."

Hazel was super into art and painting. At our old house her room was always full of art supplies, paint aisles, and colorful drawings on the walls. She has even made me a few paintings. My favorite was the water color ones.

I also liked art. But I lent more to sketching and drawing. My paint skills aren't the best, but give me a pencil and paper and I could draw pretty good. I had a fair amount of sketch books, that were filled with portraits, land scapes, and just drawings I doodled to make time go by.

"So. Which one is mine?" I raised an eyebrow at Hazel trying to get the question out.

She pointed to a door, the one across from her room. "That one I believe."

I walked to the door and opened the door. My room wasnt completely empty, which I wasn't surprised at. Yesterday Hazel, and my dad came down apparently with some more people to move the big furniture. There was my bed, dresser, desk, a bookshelf and a small table, but of course they were all empty because all my stuff were in boxes. The room was fair size. There was enough room to lay on the floor and spread out with the furniture in.

I went to the bookshelf and set the box by it and backed up to look at the windows. There was a medium sized one by my bed, and a big one that was kind of dentented into the wall with a little space to sit. Those were my favorite because I loved to just sit and look out, thinking and forgetting all my worries. My favorite thing about windows, is how it allows light to poor in making the room brighter. Sometimes when you have the lights off you could see rays of sun shining in, and you saw little particles flying around in the light. I absolutely loved watching the things dance around. It made me feel peaceful. Like there was no worries.

"Niiiicccooo!" Hazel ran up to me and tackled me from behind. Being two years older, I was bigger than her and she was still small so she didn't knock me over, she just hopped on my back and I grabbed her legs, so I was giving her a piggy back ride, and I ran out the door as fast as I could. She was laughing and squealing in my ear, which I didn't mind. Her laugh was something to celebrate. It made anyone feel happy.

I ran into her room and dumped her on her bed and she bounced on the bed laughing and rolling around.

"That was fun!"

"Yeah? Well, we need to go get the rest of our boxes. C'mon." I reached out my hand which she gladly took and we ran downstairs out the door, past Persephone, who didnt hesitate to yell. We ignored her and went to the truck looking for more boxes. I grabbed another one of mine and Hazel grabbed a small box.

Before making my trip back out I looked at the house across the street and I saw a teenage boy with curly blonde hair, talking to a girl younger than him in their drive way. They looked alike. Both had the same blonde hair, sleek figures, and tanned skin.

I turned my attention back to my house and started walking before i could get caught staring. I plan on ignoring them, like I do with most people. But there is a good chance Hazel will make me meet them. She says it's good to socialize, but why do that when you could dream about hot fictional characters and listen to music?

A/N: I'm sorry I'm advanced to all the new readers. (Edit made 2/26/17)

Word count: 1364

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