Unsubconscious Perk

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Dreamless sleep is my favorite. It always have been.

Of course, actual dreams are great. It's like floating to a new and different universe and going on a whole new adventure.

When I was 10, I had a very vivid dream that I remember clearly to this day. I was in a bright, white empty room, all alone. I wasn't scared or worried. I was just in awe about how something so simple as a room, looked so pure.
I thought it was amazing. The reflective white walls showed me myself, and I touched my reflection. The wall shuddered and broke apart in waves. Kind of like when you throw a pebble in water and it gives off small ripples. This filled me with joy. I could move my hand around in the wall, almost as if it was liquid.
I stuck my hand through and felt a hand grab mine. Now usually when a random hand grabs your own in a random place, you freak out. But I didn't. I was calm. I was happy actually at the contact. I felt safe.
I let the hand pull me through and I was astounded to meet the being that did the task. It wasnt a person. It was a shadow. And the shadow looked like me, except older. I moved my hand and the shadow mimicked my movement. I waved and so did the transfiguration. I spoke.

"Hi?" I said to the mysterious form.

"Hello Nico." The shadow replied.

"Who are you?" Apparently I wasn't afraid of it. I was excited. Could this new atrementous form possibly be a new friend? A companion? Who knows. I wanted to figure out.

"Ah, Little Nico, You'll soon find out soon enough." The figure reached down his hand and caressed my cheek. I stared up in confussion.

"What do you mean?" I ask, my 10 year old voice filled with curiosity.

"I am a part of you Nico. An important part I might add. I will be with you for possibly the rest of your life. Or, should I say... Our life." The shadow, me, spoke slowly and carefully. Talking as if he answered all my questions.

"Our life."

The embodiment nodded.

"Is our life good. Are we happy?" I asked. I was starting to drift into thought. What if this thing was trying to hurt me? What if it was going to bring trouble to me and my family?

"We'll, that's for you to decide. Nico, solo tu puoi scegliere."

The last part, he spoke in Italian. Of course i knew what he said. Because i can never forget what it had told me.

The figure brushed his hand over my face and kissed my forehead.

"Go now. Our life awaits young child." The shadow then stepped forward to me, and it's like the being emerged with me. Like becoming a part.

And that's when the dream ended.

The day I had that dream, is the day mama and Bia died. I should have known what the thing was and what it represented. Now I understand clearly.

So, as you can imagine, I prefer not dreaming. Not dreaming makes me feel safe and it doesn't trick me into a false sense of reality. It doesn't scare me. It doesn't have nightmares. It doesn't tell me things I don't want to here. And that's why I love waking up feeling like moments before, I had just fallen asleep.

Waking up now, I realize where I am again. A new home. A new place. New chances. And today, to my disappointment, is monday.

School. Dammit.

I stretched up, out of my bed, -which at the time felt like heaven, and l didn't want to leave- and I placed my feet in the floor, standing up.

Cue, the normal morning routine: Shower, Dress, Brush Teeth, blah blah blah, ignore Persephone telling me to hurry up, leave to do whatever.

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